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My parents do not want me to marry outside my tribe but they insist I should marry my ex from my tribe he is my first love and we loved each other to a fault. I can say that he is caring and was good until he changed completely



I have an issue about my relationship life.
I do not want my ex anymore because he raised his hands on me( me) and has proven to have temper mismanagement occasionally.
I love my parents, family and I do not want my decision to hurt their feelings so that they can give me their blessings in marriage.
Right now the man from a different tribe is a kind man and since I have known him he has never hurt me instead I have been the one hurting him with the troubles caused by my ex.
He has proven beyond doubt that he adores me and I want to be with him but I’m too scared.
The new guy and I have known each other since 2018  but because of this my ex and parents decisions towards me not marrying a different tribe has made the relationship go on and off.
Last year we came back together after parting ways for a year and he was supposed to come for introduction and pay my bride price but I turned it down because my parents said they will never accept him. I’m just tired  I turned 27 this April.
I want to be happy.. I desire to be a mom and a wife but with the Way things are going I’m confused. Should I go ahead and marry him knowing that my parents are not happy about it or should I just go back to my ex for my parents to be happy. Maybe I’ll learn to love him again but what if he starts h!tting me after few years or months inside the marriage?
Oh my goodness…
I need help please, advice me.. please sir treat as urgent. I’ll be in the comments section.

Thank you Sir

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Ever Since I got a scholarship & traveled abroad, I haven’t visited my family back home for almost 10 years. Since I’m on leave, I decided to use the opportunity to take a vacation to the village to see my mom & little cousins whom I haven’t seen in a very long time, and also do the traditional rites for my new wife.





Ever Since I got a scholarship & traveled abroad, I haven’t visited my family back home for almost 10 years. Since I’m on leave, I decided to use the opportunity to take a vacation to the village to see my mom & little cousins whom I haven’t seen in a very long time, and also do the traditional rites for my new wife.

Before i left, i decided to visit some uncles & old friends & gifts them. I was running late but, Mama insisted on praying for me before i leave. Before i left, I made sure my mother’s health was good & everyone was happy. i was very fulfilled & satisfied with the vacation. But on my way back to Town, something Terrible happened. – the back tires of our vehicle suddenly came off! We almost had a terrible accident, But by God’s grace, the driver managed to control the vehicle so it doesn’t run to the other side of the bush were there exist a very deep valley. We all survived even though, a few people got injured. No one died.

I want to thank God for this miracle. I’m the only child of my Mother. I keep imagining what if something bad had happened to me!? Who will take care of my poor old mom especially now that she needs me the most!? After taking care of me all this years & just the time for her to start enjoying the fruits of her labor but instead she would have gotten news that I’m no more

I just received the greatest shock of my life! I couldn’t hold back this testimony, please, help me thank this awesome God. He is so merciful.”

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This man was caught attempting to take his girlfriend’s exams in the university. He loved his girlfriend so much and didn’t want her to fail in a course he is very good at




This man was caught attempting to take his girlfriend’s exams in the university. He loved his girlfriend so much & didn’t want her to fail in a course he is very good at.

So, in an attempt to help his girlfriend pass the course, he prepared for that day, plaited his hair, dressed & disguised himself like a female & sat for the exams. But unfortunately for him, one of the lecturers noticed that his chest was too flat for a woman & approached him, touched his chest & felt that it was too bony.

The police was alerted & he got caught. But the most unfortunate thing is that while he was in jail serving a jail term for the crime, the lady never visited him not even for once. But instead, she got married to the love of her life just 6 months later after the incident.

Love is such a beautiful thing, This man is a hero, he has proven his love. How many men can take such risk for their woman?

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The Controversy Surrounding Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho and Very Dark Man




In recent weeks, Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho, a notable figure in the Nigerian religious community, has become the center of a heated controversy. This drama unfolds as “Very Dark Man” challenges the authenticity of Prophet Omotosho’s spiritual products, leading to a legal dispute that has caught the attention of many.


Prophet Omotosho is renowned for offering spiritual guidance and selling items claimed to possess miraculous properties, including soap, water, and LED bulbs. These products are marketed as having the power to heal and bring wealth, with prices sometimes exceeding $1500.

The controversy began when “Very Dark Man” questioned the legitimacy of these claims. He demanded proof of the NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control) number associated with the soap and called for transparency about the spiritual materials used. In response, Prophet Omotosho has filed a lawsuit against “Very Dark Man,” alleging defamation and demanding an investigation.

The case has ignited a broader debate about the ethics of monetizing spiritual services. Here are some key concerns of the public:

  1. Exploitation of Faith: Critics argue that selling spiritual items at such high prices exploits individuals’ faith and desperation. The hefty price tags on these items raise ethical questions about the intentions behind their sale.
  2. Lack of Transparency: The absence of clear information regarding the ingredients and spiritual efficacy of these products has fueled skepticism. People are demanding more transparency about what exactly is being sold and whether these products genuinely deliver on their promises.
  3. Reputation of the Church: The scandal surrounding Prophet Omotosho has broader implications for the Christian community. When high-profile religious leaders become embroiled in controversies, it can erode public trust in the church and its leaders.

The ongoing lawsuit highlights the contentious nature of this issue. The outcome of this legal battle could set a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future and might influence the practices of other religious leaders.

The situation with Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho serves as a crucial reminder of the complex dynamics at play when faith and commerce intersect. As legal proceedings continue, it is essential for both religious leaders and followers to consider the ethical implications of selling spiritual services and to advocate for greater transparency and integrity within the faith community, else the Christian community would be jeopardized by fake prophets and extortion of the general public.



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