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15 Genius Ways to Use Eggshells : They will change your home and Garden




Eggshells are often discarded without a second thought, but they are incredibly versatile and can be used in various clever ways. Here are 15 genius ways to use eggshells that might make you think twice before tossing them in the trash:
1. Garden Fertilizer:  Crushed eggshells are a great addition to your garden soil. They provide calcium, which is essential for plant growth. Simply crush the shells and sprinkle them around the base of your plants.
2. Pest Control:  Eggshells can deter pests like slugs, snails, and even cats. Scatter crushed shells around your garden to create a barrier that these pests won’t cross.
3. Compost Enhancer:  Add eggshells to your compost pile. They break down and help balance the pH of the compost, enriching it with valuable nutrients.
4. Seed Starters:  Use eggshells as small pots for starting seeds. They are biodegradable and can be planted directly into the soil when the seedlings are ready, providing an extra boost of calcium to the young plants.
5. Household Cleaner:  Crushed eggshells can be used as a gentle abrasive cleaner. Mix them with a little soapy water to scrub pots, pans, and other surfaces without scratching.
6. Face Mask:  Create a natural exfoliating face mask by grinding eggshells into a fine powder and mixing them with egg whites. Apply the mixture to your face and let it dry before rinsing off for smoother skin.
7. Laundry Whitener:  Add a small mesh bag filled with crushed eggshells to your laundry. The shells help to remove stains and keep whites bright.
8. Natural Drain Cleaner:  Ground eggshells can help keep your pipes clean. When mixed with warm water and dish soap, they can scrub away residue and prevent clogs.
9. Calcium Supplement for Pets:  Crush eggshells into a fine powder and sprinkle a small amount over your pet’s food. It’s a great way to add extra calcium to their diet.
10. Coffee Grounds Enhancer:  Add crushed eggshells to your coffee grounds before brewing. The shells help reduce the acidity of the coffee, resulting in a smoother taste.
11. Craft Projects: Use eggshells in various craft projects. They can be painted, used in mosaics, or as unique decorations for Easter eggs.
12. Calcium Supplement for Humans:  Sterilize and grind eggshells into a fine powder to use as a natural calcium supplement. Add the powder to smoothies, baked goods, or sprinkle over food.
13. Soil Amendment for Tomatoes: Tomato plants benefit significantly from extra calcium. Add crushed eggshells to the planting hole or around the base of the plant to prevent blossom end rot.
14. Bird Feed:  Birds need calcium for their eggshells. Sterilize and crush eggshells, then mix them with birdseed to provide a calcium boost for your feathered friends.
15. Household Deodorizer: Place dried eggshells in a bowl or container and put it in your refrigerator or cupboard to absorb odors naturally.
Eggshells are far more useful than most people realize. From gardening and pest control to beauty treatments and craft projects, they offer a multitude of benefits. So next time you crack an egg, think twice before throwing away the shell – it might come in handy

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Viral Gist

Guard your presence because even gold will lose value if seen everywhere – Reno Omokri




Guard your presence because even gold will lose value if seen everywhere, just like ordinary stones. As I have said before, Michael Jackson’s albums were phenomenally successful because he mastered the art of using absence to build anticipation. He would stay out of the public eye for years. No interviews, no tours, no sightings. Then, when the anticipation has reached fever pitch, boom, he reappears with a slightly altered appearance and a new album, and unleashes Michael-mania. When you notice that people start taking you for granted and disrespecting you, it is likely because you have made yourself too present for them. Napoleon Bonaparte said, “If I am often seen at the theatre, people will cease to notice me”. Use absence more than you use presence. Long time no see is better than ‘Oh, it’s you again’. Be conscious of where you go. People treat friends and family like they treat money. The more they see money, the less they value it. The less they see moolah, the more they value it!


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Viral Gist

Meet Caroline, She was keeping 5 handsome-Romantic guys at once all to herself until she got caught




Wonders shall never end in the past we keep seeing men who womanize and keeps over 20 ladies at times none of the ladies we see each other, but a reverse becomes the case for the case of Caroline.

The weekend didn’t end well for Caroline as it ended in tears, after her boyfriends made a deal to lay a trap to teach her a lesson, Valentine, who is one of her boyfriend is said to have gone through her phone & carried out a proper research & investigations to find out the other men whom were chewing & siphoning his sweet juice in the middle.

After finding out, he contacted them & they all agreed to meet on a Saturday, so that, they can teach her a lesson. On Saturday, the five guys, contributed money & sent for her transportation. She was to meet up with one of them to enjoy for the weekend as usual…

Unfortunately for her Carolina, When she arrived, she found her five sweethearts waiting for her. After taking pictures to expose  and disgrace her online, they asked her to return all the gifts in her possession that they’ve ever gifted her. All Carolina could do was cry & hide her face in shamē. Though heart broken, The five guys went back home that evening, very satisfied & Happy after accomplishing their mission.

An old funny true life story , dear lady reading this happy weekend to you don’t be the next Caroline today.

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Viral Gist

I actually got pregnant, but the guy refused to take responsibilities. Instead, he asked me to get rid of it, saying he was still too young and wasn’t ready to be a father




“This happened 4 Years Ago
I actually got pregnant, but the guy refused to take responsibilities. Instead, he asked me to get rid of it, saying he was still too young and wasn’t ready to be a father. He claimed the baby would distract him from his dreams, as he planned to become wealthy before thinking of starting a family.

Deep in my heart, I knew I wasn’t ready for an abortion either. So, I refused. This made him stop picking my calls and even block me on all social platforms. I couldn’t find him anywhere. Until I met his close friend, who disclosed to me that he had traveled out of the country to Dubai. I was 5 months gone, and the pregnancy was already visible. Everyone in school had noticed, and it was the topic of my class.

Friends and classmates started mocking my condition. As a very shy person, I couldn’t handle it anymore, so I dropped out of school. A few months after I gave birth, my stepmom advised me to go back to school while she helped look after my baby. Well, to cut the long story short, I went back to school and still graduated and got my degree. A few months after graduation,

I was called up by a big company, informing me that my job application had been accepted, and I could start work on Monday. Now I have 3 precious achievements to thank God for:
1. I’m a graduate
2. I have a lovely, cute son
3. I have a well-paid permanent job

This brings me to my point: abortion is never an option. Children are special gifts from God. I believe my blessings came through my son. Sometimes, that baby you’re carrying in your womb could be your ticket to God’s abundant blessings in your life.


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