A woman identified as Ruth(not her real name), based in Lusaka shared her shocking story on how she almost called quits her marriage, reason being she...
In the opulent neighborhood of Broadhurst, Gabbro, Angeline Molefe’s tale of marital turmoil and transformation serves as a beacon of hope for those seeking lasting love...
My name is Prince Mbeki from Durban, South Africa. I am 35 years old and I’m married. Together with my wife we’re blessed with one child....
Health challenges can often leave us feeling vulnerable and desperate for solutions. For more than two years, I endured a mysterious illness that manifested after a...
Every responsible man in marriage always wants to have successful and empowered wives. Jonathan- not his real name a 43-year-old man from Matero in Lusaka, Zambia...
Not long ago, Francis’ life was defined by hardship and struggle. Born into poverty, he eked out a meager existence selling bananas on the roadside, each...
Reasons:An application may be denied because the consular officer does not have all of the information required to determine if the applicant is eligible to receive...