The case of Mazi Nnamdi Kanu, the leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB), has garnered significant attention both within Nigeria and internationally. His arrest...
In a heartwarming tale of love and resilience, a Nigerian lady recently tied the knot with the man whose transport money she had eaten not once,...
“I’ve been so mad at my parents and I really do not know what to do. My parents literally do not care about me and my...
1. THE HUSBAND WILL LEAD IN EVERYTHINGThis myth has led many wives to take a back sit expecting the husband to initiate everything. The truth is,...
“I woke up at midnight when heavy rain was falling to close my windows that I left half opened, while I was trying to close my...
Their first traceable ancestor was a Viking named Rollo inwhat’s now Normandy, France. He was granted lands by theFrench King to prevent him from raiding France...
“This type of thinking is the problem we Africans have …hot everything is a competition… Kocee paid me nothing and it’s not the first time I...
In a heartwarming display of love and gratitude, a US-based Nigerian nurse recently gifted her husband a brand new Mercedes Benz to celebrate his 50th birthday....
After doing Ta Ta Ta , Bayani went live on TikTok, the girlfriend did not know he was online , she came out of the room...
There are some trees that are not just trees, some trees are more than just trees. Reason being that Some trees belong to some extra terrestrial...
This town is an ancient town known for twins and multiple births. “Rumor has it that if you are looking for twin’s, just travel to...
☰ a man identified simply as john has lost his life after his friend, akinola adeleye, allegedly stabbed him to death over an argument on who...