In the serene town of Maun,Botswana,Omondi,an immigrant from Kenya found himself facing a devastating family crisis that threatened to tear his life apart. His younger brother...
In the bustling world of online content creation, a passionate YouTuber found herself struggling to gain views on her videos despite putting in tremendous effort and...
In the bustling city of Durban, South Africa, Nomlanga, the gateman of a wealthy family, found himself in a situation where despite his dedicated service, he...
Komani’s path to success was far from smooth. For years, he grappled with challenges and setbacks in his pursuit of a career in the performing arts....
In the bustling city of Kigali, Rukundo Ritah found herself facing a significant crossroads in her 27-year marriage when her husband expressed a desire to marry...
I am Abegunde – a child born out of wedlock in Benin City in Edo State by my two parents yet my father had another wife...
Olanipekun(second name with-held) from Lagos found himself facing a career-defining moment when he applied for a high-ranking position at Zanith Bank. What made this situation extraordinary...
Philip Ifesinachi Anochie. Branch : Owerri First Branch. Stake: Imo stake. Mission: Nigeria. Area: Africa. The Power of Jesus Christ Church Worldwide (+). Wahab Nurudeen Olarewaju...
Have you been battling with masturbation and seeking for a way to overcome masturbation? is the prophet’s guide and direction on how to overcome this sin...
In the coastal city of Tanga, Tanzania lives Omary(57) a wealthy business man whose life was unfortunately marked by a silent and persistent battle against the...
In the scenic town of Kasama, resides a young man named Perry whose story is one of resilience, faith, and eventual triumph. At 34 years...
“Every Morning My Daughter Wakes Up With Bruises.I Set Up A Camera In Her Room, What I Found Was Scary.” Anthony and his wife, Georgina, residents...