Moreen from Mpika, Zambia found herself trapped in a perplexing cycle of failed relationships. Despite her best efforts, each promising romance inevitably ended in heartbreak and...
For Douglas, a resident of Kasama,Zambia,the last three years were a period of relentless suffering and despair. Bewitched by unknown adversaries, Douglas lost his job and...
For Jeffrey from Mashonaland Central, Zimbabwe, each day was a battle against an excruciating backache that refused to relent. The persistent pain radiated from his lower...
Predicting the outcome of elections accurately can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. However, for Annette Lesego(Real name with-held), Eastern Cape, what seemed...
Divine Healing is a fantastic tool for having children. Many parents experience difficulty conceiving a child and don’t know where to turn. Fertility problems are widespread...
You often wonder why some people seem lucky while you struggle. Or you’re wondering why it seems impossible to make money despite having a good job,...
My name is Mweendo and I was married to my husband for two years where we were yet to have children. We were happy and loved...
My name is Rosa Rosare from Harare, Zimbabwe.Sometime back in 2010, I was forced to drop out of school at standard eight-level since my parents were...
I dated Marvin for 5 years and the time reached when he suggested that let’s call it a marriage. We both lived in Lusaka city and...
My husband married me way back in 2005, at that time he was a fairly successful businessman that owned several businesses in Lusaka. His big earnings...
My name is Mercy Molefe, I was lucky to be born in a family blessed with wealth, my father owned several mines and companies in South...
My name is Marvin from Kabwe and this is my story, perhaps it could encourage you too. Truthfully saying, I lived as a worried person. My...