Namyalo Ester, a 27-year-old Ugandan woman who has faced tremendous hardships and challenges since losing her parents at a very young age.“One of the most harrowing...
In a small western Ugandan town, nestled amidst rolling hills, lives a resilient 60-year-old lady named Daisy Nyakato. Daisy’s remarkable journey began when she was just...
Property disputes,particularly those involving land encroachment by neighbors, can quickly escalate into contentious legal battles, causing stress, anxiety, and financial strain for all parties involved. For...
A Kenyan woman who had been living in Kabwe sued her husband and the man they had two children with. Her husband walked out of their...
I am Emeka Onyenwere from Ikwuano, Abia State, and I am beyond grateful to share how Prophet Victor from Abia State has profoundly changed my life....
As I stood on the threshold of a lucrative job opportunity, excitement coursed through my veins, mingled with a hint of trepidation. This position promised to...
I am Harold Simachompa . My home where I grew up is Livingstone Town and moved to Lusaka. Indeed I had a dark past. Both my...
Completing his University education at Makerere, Baguma,a young man from Kampala tried his best to look for a job in vain. He tarmacked for almost 4...
My name is Owen Mohale and five months ago, my maternal grandfather died. He was relatively a rich man since many properties and pieces of land....
I have been a vocal critic of the South African government, exposing massive corruptions and ineptitudes within the regime. My dedication to truth and justice has...
When you’re heartbroken, everything around you is a stark reminder of your loved one, who is no longer there with you. You start to wonder what...
From my childhood, we were groomed and prepared on how to be faithful wives to our future husbands. Our parents taught us on how to respect...