Arnold Zwide from Gauteng ,South Africa found himself trapped in the suffocating grip of poverty. Despite his academic achievements as a graduate, securing gainful employment seemed...
In Her prime age, Angeline(not her real) name used to enjoy life to her fulness. In her interactions with who is who in the world of ...
Ndola, Copperbelt Province should be declared the new headquarters of the crazy, the wild and the bizzare. Just last week, the town came to a halt...
In a tale of love, sacrifice, and betrayal, an askari (security guard) from Ndola thought he had found the love of his life when he met...
A lady by the name Mary from Dzorwulu,Accra in Ghana shared her shocking story on how her husband went outside the marriage and she was left...
My name is Beatrice. I left my marriage after I was busted having sex with my in-law. Allow me to narrate to you a saddening story...
It wasn’t long ago that I found myself in a dire situation, struggling to make ends meet and feeling utterly hopeless. I had worked tirelessly for...
Alcoholism has been termed as one of the main reasons to why many marriages in the current society are breaking apart. To Magdeline 37 year old...
My name is Ruth Amani,a Kenyan working as a liaison officer for a Kenyan firm in Cairo, Egypt.This story is not so good for a woman...
Running a motor yard business is no easy task, especially when you’re dealing with high-value assets like motor vehicles and bikes. I’ve always taken pride in...
My name is Sarah and I was married to my husband two years ago. Though my husband and I were of different tribes, we loved each...
Carl Sindowe, a renowned Business man and mining magnate in Zambiaa, had it all, a thriving business, a loving family, and a community that revered him....