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Spiritual Powers

How can you tell if someone performed witchcraft on you? What are the signs?




When you’re under a spell of witchcraft, sometimes we can be mistaken to be lazy as bewitched, there are people that are naturally lazy and never want to work to put food on their table. It’s different when you’re lazy and when you’re under a witchcraft spell. Look out for these common signs that I went through to be able to know if this applies to you or not, and if you’re going through the same thing, then you need to pray.

1. Relationship & Marriage Conflicts: No matter how nice you are, no matter how good hearted you are, you always meet the wrong people in life. If you’re in a relationship with someone you want to marry, even if you’re sure that God wants that person for you. Suddenly your relationship is under Conflicts, you’re always saprating with our spouse, partner and coming back again. There’s no peace in your relationship. Suddenly when you find a nice man or woman, something comes up and causes problems in that relationship and it crashes totally. This is a common sign that you’re under a witchcraft attack and you’ve been bewitched. My last relationship was a battle for me, even though I’m sure I had met my soul mate, I told myself that I just want to settle down and be a father. I don’t want to move in and out of any relationship because the last relationship I was in before I met her was a total disaster. My ex wife’s family performed witchcraft that was sent to destroy my life and relationship with my soul mate. Little did I know that she was the person all along that put a spell on my union. So what I’m I trying to say? Youths should be careful who you get intimate with. Once you have sex with someone, you must break soulties with that person if you want to move on to another partner. I never knew such a thing existed, I told my creator during the early stage of my spiritual path that if he delivers me from this, I’d expose these demonic witches and warlocks to help others. Here i am today, telling you this so you can be careful and be prayerful, people carry demons so watch out who you allow in your inner circle.

2. Money/Financial Problems: This is the most common sign that you’ve been bewitched. Look, many people don’t like you, and you should be okay with that. You should be okay knowing that you cannot please everyone and help everyone. Most of my family members and cousins that I cut off was as a result of these curses that they laid on me. Imagine someone I thought I respected so much, going to lay curses saying that I will never be more wealthier than him and I will always need him in my life. These wicked people went and lay curses that all money blessings that is meant to come to me, will automatically go to them. Isn’t it pure wickedness? And these people did it so expertly, you will never suspect them for any reason. They always have a mentor that coaches them on what to do next and many times it is their parents. So guys, please wake up!! Wake up from this foolishness!! How the heck would someone think they can play with good fortunes in your life? People are seriously insane. If you have money problems, money always run away from you, you toil night and day and you can’t make a living. You work like elephant and eat like an an ant, my dear.. you’re under a spell. The holybooks made it clear to us that there’s no food for a lazy man, but in this case, you’re not lazy, you’re hardworking and independent yet you struggle to pay bills. You’ve been hexed. Period!! Go and verify!!!

3. Unexplainable Sickness: Another common sign of someone who is under witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo, black magic, generational curses etc is an evidence of health crisis. When you’re sick, you go through medical checkup and the doctor diagnose your health condition and gives you medication to cure that sickness. But in this case, the doctor never tells you anything is wrong, when you’re sure you’re sick the doctor is telling you that you’re perfectly fine. (With a smile on his face oh) please my dear friend, run to seek help immediately and seek the help wholeheartedly because you’re literally fading away by the day. I was diagnosed with Cervical Spondylosis and that is the sickness of the spine. Literally, I was unable to walk, I was a healthy young man that knows he’s got dreams to be great and yet, I see myself fading away because there’s no cure for my sickness. I turned my room to a room pharmacy, if you knew who I was before when I was still suffering from this situation and you come to visit me, my room smells like drugs because I’m always taking drugs to help me silence the pain for a day. I spent millions on medical bills, xray, consultation and drugs. Until I was told finally that I had few days to live. Imagine, how do you want me to explain to my creator that I lived my life? Well, I overcame and today I am alive and healthy. Today I am doing just fine and I watch my enemies suffer the same thing they did to me.There is always help, just be keen, I kid you not.

4. Promise & Fail: This one we see this as a joke in this era we live in. When someone promise to help you either monetary or otherwise. Sometimes the person has no other intention behind that help, he/she is naturally compassionate to assist you with what you need. Then all of a sudden the person starts playing you like Maradona. The person doesn’t pick your calls again, and to my ladies reading this now, if you’re asking for an employment in a company. The manager of that company wants to get in between your legs before he gives you the job. That is never normal, please let’s stop normalizing abnormalities in this world we live in. How can you go for a job, with your documents you know you’re qualified for that job and yet someone wants to sleep with you before you get the job. Please don’t, its a curse!!

And if you’re a guy, the manager starts doing promise and fail (come today, come tomorrow) its a clear sign that you’ve been cursed. Seek help and get your complete deliverance. Look, I won’t tell you something that didn’t happen to me, I won’t give you results when I don’t know what the problem is.Think about it.. it’s common sense!Use it !

5. Unattractiveness (Beauty Spell): Yes, do you know that people can go any length to put spells on you? One of the most foolish thing is to make you look Unattractive to either the opposite sex or same sex. People start running away from you, no one wants to be friends or even say HI. If someone becomes close to you, that witchcraft makes that person ghost you and starts giving you less attention. You begin to wonder what makes this person change their character all of a sudden. Please if you’re a victim, you need to step up and step out of this bondages that you’re in. Let me tell you something. As a proud Sangoma and experienced Traditional healer, one of my goals is to really help people with their reach higher level of consciousness in Life and there’s no way I will be a life coach without first introducing you to youre true self . That is the true essence of traditional healing , to draw people to natural healing and prosperity. And this serves as a wake up call to other traditional healers like me as well, start doing the right thing. Tell people about the creator of life before you start experimenting your skills. If someone come to you for a life,dont be money minded, first help. Hello??? You need to wake up!! Do the right thing.

I am taking this opportunity to ask anyone with a similar problem to seek help from Dr Mawanda Shafiq,a verified,educated and experienced expert in African spirituality and healing.

So, how exactly do the spells from Dr Mawanda Shafiq work to enhance well being,break ancestral curses and black magic sent in you’re life? Utilizing a combination of ritualistic ceremonies, sacred incantations, and mystical artifacts, Mawanda invokes powerful forces of endurance, potency, and passion to strengthen the body and mind. These spells are imbued with the ancient wisdom of generations past, drawing upon the natural elements and spiritual energies to restore balance and harmony to the masculine energy within.

In addition to providing tangible benefits for sexual performance, the spells from Dr Mawanda also offers invaluable support in addressing the emotional and psychological aspects of premature ejaculation. From boosting confidence and self-esteem to providing guidance and reassurance, the spiritual assistance offered by these practitioners serves as a powerful catalyst for sexual rejuvenation and empowerment.

Are you ready to harness the power of spellwork? Contact Doctor Mawanda through mobile or whatsapp on +260779652913/+260767053936 or drop a line at [email protected] and he will help you create an ethical, effective spell for love, abundance, or good fortune.

Do not be limited by location. You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing.  Doctor Mawanda says one of their greatest attributes is distance healing.

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Spiritual Powers

Exposed:Shock As Socialite Shows The Magic She Uses To Attract Rich Men




A middle-aged woman created mixed reactions on social media after parading paraphernalia of black charms she uses to attract rich men.

The dark skinned slay queen by the moniker Ruth(second name with-held) shocked meetizens after she took to social media displaying assorted types of paraphernalia that she uses to get favours from horny men.

According to the lady, the “charms” can be used when one wants favours from both men and women.

The “charms” which is christened, “Do as I say”, is in form of padlocks.

She claimed that once you use the “charms”, you can get anything you want from anyone. That men can come in numbers if you are a lady and for men, ladies will come knocking.

Such rare powerful charms are commonly made available by some of the professional witchdoctors who are perfect at handling matters love.
For instance, spell casting powers by Doctor Mawanda Shafiq based in Lusaka who can serve you from anywhere can work within 24 hours. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate prediction of one’s future by influencing cirmstances in you’re heart’s desire. He heals blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, and manhood weakness among other ailments.

The traditional doctor further solves life challenges, for instance, love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck which is in, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and nightmares.

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing: He will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mawanda, before anything, does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

How to contact the Super Elite traditional African Doctor Mawanda For Inquiries , Consultations or Examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936
and have all your ailments and your difficulties  puzzled out.

Take note that Dr Mawanda exercises Doctor-Patient confidentiality;, neither Patient’s file records, identity nor secrets is shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise p own volition to give a testimony.

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Spiritual Powers

South Africa: Just Three Months Into The City,A Villager Becomes A Millionaire




A man who recently joined the city after living in abject poverty for many years has instantly turned into a multimillionaire Whiskey trader.
Mathew came to Lusaka just three months ago. He was not only confused but also very funny guy who did not have an agenda in life.

When he arrived he met with me, and fell in love with my lifestyle. I told him what I do and how I made it.
“I went for wealth spells and my life changed,” I told him.

He immediately asked me to also help and I showed him a this website: of traditional spiritual healer
who also casts money spells and Mathew is enjoying. In fact he has bought his new car.

Whenever there is a financial problem or relationship issues, this doctor can come in and help solve this so that you can get relieved of the burdens of life.

Many who have been helped confess that the traditional doctor uses very powerfully healing spells that bring about peace or quickly and positively changes one’s life to prosperity and abundance.

The doctor’s spell casting powers work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released, and handles general problems including winning lotteries as well as accurate foretelling of one’s future.

Furthermore, the native doctor helps in job promotion, interviews, love matters, marriage, protection, business, hopelessness, court cases, ailments, confusion at home, bad omen, family wrangles and cheating partners.

Dr Mawanda’s vast experience allows him to spin court cases and cushion homes from spiritual (majini) and physical attacks (theft), treat STIs and control severe menstrual pain. He has well curated medicine to manage Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Asthma and severe headaches.

Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mawanda does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few self-introspective questions in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, health among a few others.

The native medicine man reveals that he accepts offering services even to clients who cannot travel to his offices. This is part of his efforts to offer quick and reliable distance healing services to those in urgent need.

Seek appointments anytime through the 24-hour service line. You can choose to text, call or simply drop a WhatsApp.

How to contact the Super Elite traditional African Doctor Mawanda For Inquiries , Consultations or Examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936
and have all your ailments and your difficulties  puzzled out.

Take note that Dr Mawanda exercises Doctor-Patient confidentiality;, neither Patient’s file records, identity nor secrets is shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise patient’s own volition to give a testimony.

He heals pressure, diabetes ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things. The doctor also solves life challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, which is winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.

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Spiritual Powers

Zambia: My Wife Attempted To Kill Me So As To Inherit My Hard Earned Property.




“Last year,my wife wanted to change all my properties to her name. She started the process after poisoning me.
When I got bedridden, she started the scam before I noticed her mischivous plot.

My elder brother quickly adviced me to call a powerful traditional doctor to intervene so that to force her to refund all the things she had already changed.

The good traditional spell caster actually helped and she started running mad and shouting like a crazy woman. She revealed everything she had changed into her name. Thank you Mawanda Shafiq.

The native doctor also helps in job promotion, interviews, love matters, marriage, protection, business, hopelessness, court cases, ailments, confusion at home, bad omen, family wrangles and cheating partners.

Dr Mawanda’s vast experience allows him to spin court cases and cushion homes from spiritual (majini) and physical attacks (theft), treat STIs and control severe menstrual pain. He has well curated medicine to manage Cancer, High Blood Pressure, Asthma and severe headaches.

Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mawanda does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few self-introspective questions in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, health among a few others.

The native medicine man reveals that he accepts offering services even to clients who cannot travel to his offices. This is part of his efforts to offer quick and reliable distance healing services to those in urgent need.

How to contact the Super Elite traditional African Doctor  Papa Mawanda For Inquiries , Consultations or Examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936
and have all your ailments and your difficulties  puzzled out.

Dr Mawanda practices physician -sick person discreetness:none of sick person’s folder ,files , documentation not either account(s) shall be distributed to a minor party or pressed to the general community except in any other way ,sick person’s of their acknowledge preference to present with a testimony declaration.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks
such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstandingat office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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