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I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the USA!




My name is Bunmi, I am 31, married, with 3 lovely kids, 2 boys and a girl. I Work in a bank, as a customer care agent. The pay is not much, but it’s better than doing nothing. My husband is a very rich man, that provides all I need, and takes good care of our kids, I don’t spend a dime from my salary, except when I just want to be extra. He is 36, from Anambra state, while I am from Lagos state. He is what every woman would call a very good husband. He opened an account, where he puts money into, more than once every month, for the kids and I.
If you’ve read to this point, I know you will be wondering why I sold his house without his consent and ran off with our kids to the United states, if he’s this good and more. Alright, let’s get to the story. Here’s what happened!
I met my husband when I was in university of Lagos, we dated for 11 months before getting married. It wasn’t really easy, being that I am a yoruba lady, while he is igbo, his people tried all they could to make him not marry me, but he insisted. My family had no issues at all, they welcomed him like he was their own. I was in my 3rd year, while he had just finished youth service, when we got married. He comes from a very wealthy and connected family, it wasn’t difficult for him to get a well paying job, as a tech guy in an oil company. Two years into the marriage, same year our first son was born, he built the house we lived in, the one I sold. It was an 8 bedroom duplex, all rooms ensuite, with swimming pool, gym station, mini farm and playground, for the kids.
We were doing so well, no case of infidelity or serious problems in our marriage. When I was pregnant for our second child, he got a way bigger job in the U.K. At first, he didn’t want to go, but I persuaded him, I really wanted my kids to go to school abroad, and the perfect opportunity presented itself. I encouraged him to take the offer, because, I thought he would take his family along, so that I will deliver my baby there. Unfortunately, my sister misplaced my international passport, so I hadn’t the time to file a report and do something about it, before it was time for his visa to be processed.
He left when I was 7 months pregnant. We agreed that I will go ahead and deliver my baby in Lagos, after which I will sort out my passport and apply for family visa, for us to join him there. This was 8 years ago. By the time my baby was 6 months old, I told him I was ready for the visa, my passport was sorted, but he convinced me to hold on, that he wasn’t properly settled and ready yet, for us to join him. Thing is, I never doubted my husband, not for once, I had absolutely no reason to doubt him. So, whenever he told me to hold on and be patient, I always indulged him.
I decided to stop bringing up the matter, after he had stayed there for more than a year, and I got a job to keep myself occupied. His cousin was living with me, including my house-help, it wasn’t a problem leaving my kids with them and going to work, every day. He also supported it. 2 years after he left, he came back and stayed for 6 weeks. There was still no reason to suspect or question his decisions. He gave us maximum attention, was a hands-on dad and husband, even followed me to the salon, at some point, something he hadn’t done before.
I was so happy and feeling on top of the world, it was as if his 2 years in the U.K. increased his love for me. He was always reaching out to me while I was at work, asking how my day was going, sending me seggsy voice notes and endearing messages, he couldn’t get his hands off me.
The night before he went back to the U.K,  I brought up the topic of joining him over there, he subtly turned it down, with reasons that made sense to me, at that time, or so I thought. He said he was saving up to buy us a house there, that he doesn’t want us to live in a rented apartment with him, when we had a massive house in Lagos. I nodded in acceptance, without questions.
Few weeks after he left, I found out I was pregnant for my 3rd child, which turned out to be a girl. The communication was very good, I wasn’t calling or writing him much, because he was always calling and writing me, all I did was reply him and pick the calls. We spoke every day, morning and night, then messages inbetween. Another 2 years had gone, before we saw him again. Nothing changed, it was same treatment from him, as the last time he came back.
It was on that trip he bought me a new car and 4 plots of land, as my birthday gifts. My friends and my colleagues were envious of me, they were praying to meet a man like my husband, I felt like a true queen.
Once in a while, I expressed my desire to live with him, distant marriage wasn’t what I signed up for. I wanted to live with him so badly, getting visas for us wasn’t going to be a problem, we had all our credentials that was guaranteed. I wanted him to be a part of our kids lives, spend Christmas with us. Since he moved to the U.K, he has never been around for Christmas, the first time he came back was mid year, same as the second time. He said it was difficult to leave during Christmas period, that he works a lot during that period. He assured me he was working out something, so that we will finally follow him to the U.K. I completely believed him.

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Nigerian man set to marry two women same day in Delta




A Nigerian man, Ovoderie Stephen, a.k.a Otele, is set to marry two women on the same day in Isoko South Local Government Area of Delta State.

According to the invite, Otele will be getting married to Iruoghene Friday and Ufuoma Godwin, on Sunday, October 27 in Uzere kingdom.

The traditional wedding ceremonies will be held on October 25 and 26 in the brides’ villages.

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Lusaka:My investment went up in smoke. But I did this to recover my millions




I was blessed, retired and started to put up a building in Chileya, my rural village. It was estimated to cost K1.5 million. Money was not a problem to me since I had just received over K6 million retirement money from my previous job.
I hired contractors from Matero who I knew can do a good job and in a very short time, started the construction. They came and we bought some of the crucial materials required.
They started the foundation and even ready to take the building off the ground. But in their third week, the site foreman said he was not feeling well and wanted to take some off days. He travelled to the city to join his family as he recovers.
I was convinced he won’t take long since he had just told me he was feeling some malaria symptoms.

Unfortunately, he overstayed and as you know,not much was no going on in his absence. He needed to be there for work to continue. I called him but he said he was yet to recover.
They instead sent me another foreman who came and picked up quite well, until along the way, I was involved in a fatal road crash, injured and rushed to hospital, my car also completely written off. My construction work at home then stalled.

I stayed in hospital for over months and when I came out, I was not able to move. I became weak and could not manage to concentrate on my building. The contractor saw my situation and asked to give me room to recover first.
I was losing my money at a very fast rate. My family became worried as nothing was moving again despite a good start.

My family resorted to prayers but there was no big improvement until someday when I was referred to a traditional doctor who is able to help improve lives.
His story spans way back in 90’ when he was able to help so many families come out of their woes.

His name is Doctor Mawanda Shafiq. My encounter with him saw me recover very fast. He was able to fight all the evil spirits which were eating me very fast.
The traditional doctor further solves life challenges, for instance, love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck which is in, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work and clears away devilish spirits and nightmares.

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Doctor Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing: He will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.
My neighbours today cannot believe that I am back on my feet and my building is at the completion stages.

How to contact the authentic traditional healer Papa Mawanda for inquiries , consultations or examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing. He will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstanding at office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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Kabwe Township:How I Turned My Son’s Academic Struggles Around Despite Receiving Mockery From Family Members




As a parent, nothing is more disheartening than watching your child struggle academically, especially when you’ve invested so much in their education. I am Enock Mweendo from Kabwe Township in Zambia, and I know this feeling all too well. Paying tens of thousands of Kwacha in school fees each term, only to see my son come home with poor grades, was a nightmare that pushed me to the brink of despair. At one point, I even contemplated drastic actions, including running away from it all. But before things could get worse, I had a life-changing encounter with Doctor Mawanda Shafiq, who offered me an academic spell that transformed my son’s performance in school.

For years, I did everything a responsible parent should do. I provided my son with the best education I could afford, ensuring he attended a reputable school with qualified teachers. I helped him with homework, attended school meetings, and even hired tutors to give him extra support. Despite all this, his grades remained dismal. He consistently ranked last in his class, and the embarrassment and frustration weighed heavily on both of us.

I remember the day he brought home his report card, and once again, he had come in last. The look of defeat on his face broke my heart. I couldn’t understand why this was happening. I questioned myself constantly: Was I failing as a parent? Was my son simply not cut out for academic success? The pressure and stress became overwhelming, and I began to feel like a failure myself.

As the school fees kept piling up and the grades remained stagnant, I sank into a dark place. The thought of my son’s future haunted me. How could he succeed in life if he couldn’t even pass his exams? The financial strain, combined with the emotional toll of seeing my son struggle, pushed me to the edge. I began to entertain thoughts of escape—leaving everything behind, or worse, ending it all. It felt like there was no way out.

One evening, after a particularly disheartening parent-teacher meeting, I sat alone in my room, contemplating my next move. I felt trapped, hopeless, and utterly defeated. My mind was racing with thoughts of running away, of finding a way to escape the shame and disappointment. But then, something inside me refused to give up. I had to find a solution. I had to help my son.

In my search for answers, I confided in a close friend who had been through similar struggles with his own child. He told me about Doctor Mawanda Shafiq,a revered traditional healer known for powerful spells that could change lives. At first, I was skeptical. I wasn’t sure if I believed in such things, but I was desperate for a solution—any solution—that could help my son.

I decided to visit Doctor Mawanda Shafiq, hoping against hope that he could offer some guidance. When I arrived, I was greeted with warmth and understanding. I explained my situation, my fears, and the overwhelming sense of failure that had consumed me. The 68 year old medicine man listened patiently and assured me that he had helped many parents in similar situations. The traditional healer offered me an academic spell, designed to enhance my son’s focus, intelligence, and performance in school.

The process was straightforward, yet filled with a sense of mysticism and hope. Doctor Mawanda performed the spell, and I was given specific instructions to follow at home. These included rituals to perform before my son’s exams and simple actions to boost his confidence and concentration. I was also instructed to speak positively to my son about his abilities and to encourage him with words of affirmation.

To my amazement, within weeks, I began to see changes in my son. He became more focused and enthusiastic about his studies. His teachers noticed the difference as well—he was participating more in class, asking questions, and showing a genuine interest in learning. When the next exam results came in, he had moved up several positions in his class. It was a small victory, but it meant the world to us.

Over the following months, my son’s performance continued to improve. He was no longer the child who struggled to keep up with his peers. Instead, he became a student who excelled in his subjects, consistently ranking among the top in his class. The pride and joy I felt were indescribable. The same child who had once brought home the last place was now bringing home certificates of excellence.

The change in my son wasn’t just academic; it was also emotional. He was more confident, happier, and more motivated to succeed. The fear and shame that had once clouded our lives were replaced with hope and pride. I could finally see a bright future ahead for him, and I knew that I had made the right decision in seeking help from Doctor Mawanda Shafiq.

Looking back, I am grateful for the journey we’ve been through. It wasn’t easy, and there were times when I felt like giving up, but the support and guidance I received from Doctor Mawanda made all the difference. The academic spell didn’t just improve my son’s grades; it gave us both a second chance—a chance to rebuild our lives and move forward with hope and confidence.

If you’re a parent facing similar struggles, I want you to know that there is hope. Don’t give up on your child or yourself. Sometimes, the solutions we seek are found in places we least expect. For me, that place was with Doctor Mawanda Shafiq, and I will forever be thankful for the help provided.

My son’s academic journey is far from over, but I am confident that with the foundation we’ve built, he will continue to succeed. And as for me, I’ve learned that it’s okay to seek help, to believe in the power of traditional healing, and to never lose faith in the possibility of change.

Dr. Mawanda Shafiq’s spell casting powers work within 24 hours, and usually within the same day they are released. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.

How to contact the authentic traditional healer Papa Mawanda for inquiries , consultations or examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing. He will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstanding at office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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