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I’m tired. I’m not a baby-making machine!” begins her poignant revelation. For ten long years, she has been married to Felix, a man who lives abroad. Their marriage, which started with promises of a bright future, has turned into a nightmare.



In a raw and emotional outpouring, a 33-year-old woman shares her harrowing experience of a decade-long marriage fraught with deceit, neglect, and heartbreak. This is her story—a plea for understanding and a call for justice.

“I’m tired. I’m not a baby-making machine!” begins her poignant revelation. For ten long years, she has been married to Felix, a man who lives abroad. Their marriage, which started with promises of a bright future, has turned into a nightmare.

“This man here is my husband. He lives abroad. This picture was taken just two days after our traditional marriage. For over four years now, I haven’t set eyes on him.” Her voice trembles with exhaustion and pain as she recounts her reality. Despite being married for a decade, she has only seen her husband a handful of times, mostly when he visits every couple of years to conceive another child. They have three daughters, with their eldest being six years old.

“I’m broken and I’m tired of this type of distant marriage,” she confesses. “I do not even feel like a married woman. I’m no different from a widow or a single lady.” The loneliness and isolation have taken a toll on her, as she endures the stigma and hardships of raising her children alone.

Felix had promised to process her papers immediately after their marriage so she could join him abroad. “But can you imagine that it’s been ten whole years, yet nothing has been done?” she laments. Over the years, Felix’s excuses for the delay in her visa processing have worn thin. Her patience has given way to suspicion and despair.

“Before this man married me, he confided in me and told me he was married to a white lady abroad,” she reveals. Felix had assured her that his marriage to the other woman was only a means to secure his papers and that he would divorce her after their traditional marriage. However, her findings four years ago shattered any remaining trust she had in him. “I discovered that my husband is still married to this same white woman, and they even have a child together,” she states. Felix’s continued denials have only added to her anguish.

Desperate for answers and resolution, she has tried to confront Felix, only to be met with silence. “He has blocked me on all social platforms and even stopped taking my calls,” she says, her voice breaking. “He only gets in touch with me when he wants to send money or ask after his kids.”

Her frustration reaches a boiling point as she questions Felix’s motives. “Why did you come down here to ruin my relationship and deceive me into marrying you, meanwhile, you very well knew that you’d not be serious nor there for me?” she asks, reflecting on the love and stability she lost due to his actions.

“I’m 33 years old and have three kids for you. Where do you expect that I start from after ruining my life?” she pleads, her words echoing the deep sense of betrayal and hopelessness she feels.

In a final cry for help, she turns to the public for support. “Please, people, pity me and help me to expose him, so this can get to his wife abroad, so she can divorce him,” she implores, tears streaming down her face. “I’m crying almost every day, going through depression because of this.”

This story is more than a personal tragedy; it’s a stark reminder of the devastating effects of broken promises and emotional neglect. It is a call to action for justice and empathy for those suffering in silence.

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The Controversy Surrounding Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho and Very Dark Man




In recent weeks, Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho, a notable figure in the Nigerian religious community, has become the center of a heated controversy. This drama unfolds as “Very Dark Man” challenges the authenticity of Prophet Omotosho’s spiritual products, leading to a legal dispute that has caught the attention of many.


Prophet Omotosho is renowned for offering spiritual guidance and selling items claimed to possess miraculous properties, including soap, water, and LED bulbs. These products are marketed as having the power to heal and bring wealth, with prices sometimes exceeding $1500.

The controversy began when “Very Dark Man” questioned the legitimacy of these claims. He demanded proof of the NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control) number associated with the soap and called for transparency about the spiritual materials used. In response, Prophet Omotosho has filed a lawsuit against “Very Dark Man,” alleging defamation and demanding an investigation.

The case has ignited a broader debate about the ethics of monetizing spiritual services. Here are some key concerns of the public:

  1. Exploitation of Faith: Critics argue that selling spiritual items at such high prices exploits individuals’ faith and desperation. The hefty price tags on these items raise ethical questions about the intentions behind their sale.
  2. Lack of Transparency: The absence of clear information regarding the ingredients and spiritual efficacy of these products has fueled skepticism. People are demanding more transparency about what exactly is being sold and whether these products genuinely deliver on their promises.
  3. Reputation of the Church: The scandal surrounding Prophet Omotosho has broader implications for the Christian community. When high-profile religious leaders become embroiled in controversies, it can erode public trust in the church and its leaders.

The ongoing lawsuit highlights the contentious nature of this issue. The outcome of this legal battle could set a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future and might influence the practices of other religious leaders.

The situation with Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho serves as a crucial reminder of the complex dynamics at play when faith and commerce intersect. As legal proceedings continue, it is essential for both religious leaders and followers to consider the ethical implications of selling spiritual services and to advocate for greater transparency and integrity within the faith community, else the Christian community would be jeopardized by fake prophets and extortion of the general public.



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My mom was everything to me. Unfortunately, after we lost my dad, my mom fell into deep depression, and her mental illness has since taken her to another level




My Journey with My Mentally Ill Mother

My mom was everything to me. Unfortunately, after we lost my dad, my mom fell into deep depression, and her mental illness has since taken her to another level. But despite everything, I have never forgotten my mom or the sacrifices she made for me. It’s because of her, and by God’s grace, that I am here today. Every day, I bring her food, clean up her bed, and take care of her, even though it breaks my heart to see her this way.

It hurts deeply when people refer to me as “that daughter of a mad woman.” But I will never deny my mom. Most people who come close to me often distance themselves once they realize that I’m the daughter of a well-known mentally ill woman in the market. They mock me because of my mom’s condition, but I stand firm in my love and respect for her.

Mommy, I love you. You remain my mom, and nothing will ever change that. You gave birth to me, and I’m here to stay by your side. I will always love you, and I promise that I’ll never abandon you, Mama.

Sometimes, I can’t help but envy my friends whose moms are all okay, and I wish everything were fine with you, Mommy. But despite everything, you are still my mother, and my love for you will never fade.

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Look at me now—a child abandoned by her own mother when she was just 7 months old. My story is one of pain, survival, and ultimately, triumph




I was raised by my grandmother, but at age 7, I lost her too. My father took me in, and I was overjoyed at the thought of finally living with him. Little did I know, it was the beginning of a long, dark chapter in my life. My stepmother was cruel, subjecting me to all kinds of maltreatment. There were times I went hungry for days, starved to the point where I would see darkness in broad daylight. Once, in desperation, I ate our dog’s leftover food, only to be caught by the neighbor’s son. His mother later called me over and asked if it was true. Terrified, I begged her not to tell my stepmother, knowing she would punish me severely for not throwing the food away.

That kind woman wept for me and promised to give me food every day in secret. She kept that promise until we moved away. But as if starving me wasn’t enough, my stepmother also resorted to brutal beatings. She would flog me mercilessly until I fainted at times. She would apply pepper to my private parts, eyes, armpits, and neck, tie me up, and abandon me in one of the toilets for hours without food. When I begged for water, she would cruelly tell me to drink my own excrement and urine. I shed tears whenever I remember these things—I was living in hell on earth.

Despite all these horrors, I was bright academically and loved by God and many kind people. I knew that the only way to escape this suffering was through education, so I never joked with my studies. I was determined to succeed, and I did.

So you see, I have every right to be hateful, bitter, jealous, arrogant, sad, negative, and toxic—but I chose not to be. For years, my stepmother has been trying to reach me. But if I’m honest, I don’t know if I’m ready for her. And as for my mother, who chose to leave me—her own daughter, her firstborn—just because she had issues with my father, wherever you are, Momma, I want you to know this: The daughter you abandoned 29 years ago has finally achieved her dreams, even without the love of a father or mother. She is now a great woman in society.

This version emphasizes your strength and resilience while maintaining the emotional depth of your story. It highlights your achievements and the choices you’ve made despite the challenges you faced.

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