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Viral Gist

In December 2020 I was diagnosed of Hyperprolactinema after my engagement in November 22nd 2020; I called my Husband then my fiancee and told him everything, however the Doctor said, the chances of been pregnant is 50/50




My Husband said in Response ; Honey, the Doctor said abi?
Me : Yes
Him : We’re not ready for kids yet, until after one year in marriage, don’t worry about anything, when we’re ready God will fulfill his promises, meanwhile you will go for the medications as prescribed, you will be fine.
Me: Alright, thank you.

I thought and wondered in hours, This is a very rare answer that can come from few men to someone they’re yet married to, knowing the chances of having a child is slim already, but he kept encouraging me each day, pushing my fears behind and always reminding me God’s healing power.

Wedded June 2021, June 5th 2022 I was confirmed pregnant.

February 18th 2023 , was a Saturday, everyone was preparing for the wedding of Chinedu Frank Emmanuel  and Promise Peter , 5 man Flag bearers were lodged in my house, my  Husband and Olekanma Allwell  were all out putting things in place, at 8:32pm I already have prepared yam and sauce for everyone’s dinner, served them all and dished mine to eat, immediately I picked a piece of yam  to eat because I was hungry, my body system was disorganized, I was battling with stomach pains etc, I stood up and went to the room, picked my phone and called the Doctor, she said move to the Hospital, don’t stay home, it’s time  I was happy but I didn’t know what the pains  was like… My Husband drove home, helped me with all I needed into the car without the knowledge of our visitors, we left for the Hospital, at 11pm contraction began slowly, from 11pm 18th February till the 11:42 am February 19th 2023 which is 12hours, I never sat down, nor led down, I was walking back and forth the hospital staircase, I was in pains  my Husband didn’t sleep, the Nurses too, Nurse Sophia was my helping hand, at 10am the Doctor told my Aunt if this contraction continues in this manner , it will result to CS because she’s tired already, at 11am the contraction will come and go, at this point I had only 10percent strength within me… I made a decision, once the contraction comes again, am going to push , the Doctor and Nurses were praying, I said a prayer : God it’s the 11th hour, let your Grace and miracle abound, am going to do this in your power to your own Glory, I have been serving you till yesterday night too diligently as I promised, it’s time you in turn deliver this child and keep me too…. I said  Amen.

In the lowest tone, I called out to the Doctor, it’s time, She said no my Baby, don’t push hard by yourself, I want to save this Child and you too please… I said, okay then work with my spirit now….. She said alright…. The nurses were singing, some were crying, because it was in weakness and almost the last strength left within and out of me…. The contraction Came again, the Doctor was ready, I said okay am pushing, I pushed immediately, the baby head was out, every hand was busy, singing was heard, At 11:42am  ZIMCHIKACHIM was born…. My Husband was out leading in a parade at the wedding, I called him and the News was everywhere, it was a double celebration.


Viral Gist

Lost my sister 4 months ago, but I’m 2months pregnant for her husband and we wish to get married



I was actually in my final year in the university when i was persuaded by my beloved elder sister to come live with her after my graduation, then, It was just 7months gone after her wedding in which i was the chief bridesmaid. She said that she was missing my presence & needed someone around to chat & keep her company. She was 3 months pregnant so I didn’t hesitate to accept her invitation..

After my graduation i finally moved in. It was 2 months later when I realized that, I still have feelings for her husband. Truth is, I fell for the guy, the very first time that my sister introduced him to me as her boyfriend, they had just started seing each other & Eversince then, I’ve s3cr3tely been in love with him & haven’t been able to love any other guy nor keep a relationship, he’s always on my mind, I’ve always imagined us together & deep down, wish for them to separate, so i could have a chance to be with him.

All these yrs, I’ve tried to control myself, hiding my feelings but, it all came back the moment i started living with them. seing him everyday, I couldn’t help it anymore. So, i made a move on him & somehow he fell for me too, he loves me as much as i do. I see & feel it each time we’re together. We’ve been s3-cr3tly seing each other for over 4 months untill when my sister was due for delivery & Sadly, she didn’t make it but her child survived. Unfortunately again, the baby also join her mom after being with us for almost a month. This was a sad moment for the whole family..

4 months have passed & God has decided to wipe our sorrow, now we are happy & expecting a baby too, I’m currently 2 months gone, We intend to get married soon & I believe my sister will be happy wherever that she is. Her husband is a good man & I know that she wouldn’t want us to loose him to another family. I also believe that, This is destiny, all these things happened for a reason just so we could be together. God’s ways are not that of man. We haven’t told anyone yet about our plans, don’t know how family will see this but I also believe, it isn’t so much of a big deal marrying my late sister’s husband especially as they didn’t have any kids together. But we just don’t know how to go about it..

Pls, help guide us through this, we need advise we’re so much in love & really wish to get married..”

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Viral Gist

I’m Hiv/Aids positve and I really wish that, my boyfriend also gets infected, so that he can marry me



Please, I need your advice, so, am going to be all honest here. Actually, i’m tired of living a reckless life and I really wish to settle down especially now that I’ve found someone that i really love and care so much about, Infact, I’m so deeply in love with this guy. For a very long time, i haven’t felt like this for anyman. He has got everything that i want in a man and even more.

He’s Handsome, rich and very successful, he’s so caring and nice to me. makes sure that, I lack nothing. I’m 100% sure that he’ll make a good husband. So I’ve been looking forward and hoping that he’ll propose to me soon. Now, lately, I’ve been trying everything possible so that he also gets infected and becomes positive too, so when he discovers that am having the virus as well, it wouldn’t in anyway hurt our relationship since it wouldn’t matter anymore then..

So, I’ve made sure that he trust me. Countless times, I’ve insisted on us doing it without protection and he’ll always accept. Sometimes I even use my nails to create a hole on the plastic and  will often kiss him when my tongue has a cu t.  but now, I’m confused and do not understand because after doing all these, I’ll bring home a fake results  showing that I’m negative and insist that he also goes for a test as well and even follow him to the hospital but am always disappointed and confused because surprisingly the test always comes out negative showing that he isn’t infected. So am really confused here..

I love this guy so much that i really wish to spend the rest of my life with him. I wouldn’t be able to take it if, i should loose him reason why, I can’t tell him about my health status. if i do he’ll leave me. Pls do not get me wrong, I’m just a girl who is inlove & trying to protect her relationship, every lady in my shoe would definitely do thesame thing. I’m 31yrs old & really wish to settle down. I feel this could be the only chance I’ve got but it’s proving difficult “

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Viral Gist

I left my 6months old boy sleeping at home with my husband just so I could rush to the nearest market and purchase food and some baby’s needs for the week But Never Knew It’s a bad Day



Before I left, it was as if my 6 months old baby knew something was going to go wrong, He suddenly woke up from sleep just as I was about to steo out. Then i went back to breastfeed him thinking he was hungry but instead he refused & held me so tight while crying loudly as if he didn’t want me to go & as if he had a nightmare or something. I was so surprised because, never has it happened before since I gave birth to him. So, I tried singing him a lullaby & successfully pampered him back to sleep & quickly tip toed out of the house still leaving him with his daddy. Went out of the gate & took a taxi..

We were about to cross a bridge were, it seems like the brakes of the car failed & the driver led the car into this river beneath the bridge, we got trapped & started to drown. I can’t remember any other thing apart from that. I only woke up this evening to find myself in the hospital..

I want to thank God for sending these boys who saved my life & that of the driver. Pls help me thank this good God, for I can’t thank him enough, Oh my God  I keep asking myself, what if I had taken my baby along with me had it been he insisted on crying before i left.. He has proven himself once again”

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