My name is Janneth from Mansa,Zambia and I was married to my husband for eight years without any child.The problem was not conceiving a child, but...
Sex is lawful in marriage, it’s one of the rights of married couples in the family. But I need to let you know that, there are...
1) Avoid a broke woman who depends on you for money and spend it unnecessarily , She’s a financial vampire and parasite, she will ruin you...
About a week ago, a lady approached me and asked me how she would know that a guy is really serious for marriage. She said that...
I met the father and we dated for 2yrs .His cousins knows about our relationship because it got to a time he told me he will...
A big size to many is seen as a sign of sexual prowess, but as a man, don’t lose your sleep or your sexual confidence because...
Goodevening ma/sir , please hide my ID, my name is Christain X. I am from eastern part of Nigeria and also went to school same location,but...
Most of us throughout the years have experienced an abusive and narcissistic relationship at some point in time. The fighting. The pain.The screaming. The threats.The guiltripping....
Most of us throughout the years have experienced an abusive and narcissistic relationship at some point in time. The fighting. The pain.The screaming. The threats.The guiltripping....
Dear Woman. √ Not Every Man Is A Husband Material.√ Some Are Friendzone Materials.√ Some Are Boyfriend Materials.√ Some Are Sex Mate Materials.√ Some Are Baby-Papa...
Ladies and gentlemen, today as we delve into the realm of relationships and marriage. Love, as many of us know, is a beautifully intricate part of...
1. Many women dress up for the public but they don’t put as much effort to dress up for their husband in bed. Lady, your number...