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Spiritual Powers

Sexual magic derived from Taking Sex Spells. A MUST READ!




Have you wondered why you feel sexually aroused whenever you see someone or the vise versa? This is one of the most interesting moments in love life.

If for example you are working in an office full of men and women and your eyes pick on one of them, it is easier to get her/him to your side through spells.

It could be your new crush from office or the cool sexy guy that you met at your friend’s place last weekend. Now, sex is heaven when it’s consensual but it’s not always that easy to pop up the proposal and get the other person feel about you the same way.

Well, this is where the sexual spells will be your best buddy.
A form of a love spell, sexual spells work to stimulate the victim’s feeling towards intimation. It works on your target’s 1st & 2nd chakras to make him feel aroused.

However, these spells can also make the spell caster feel desired by others. So, if are aspiring to make yourself more fetching to your crush, so much so that he is ready to go beyond the peck on a cheek and into something more passionate- the sexual spells would be really handy.

Sexual spells cover a vast and versatile range of spells. Some are really simple as 1-2-3 while some are more elaborate. One of the simplest of sexual spells involves just some salt and a glass full of water. Keep the water beside your nightstand as you retire to bed
at night. When you wake up the next morning, before you take your feet on floor, add some salt on water and chant the spell.

It is something like a prayer to arouse passion and desire for you in your crush. Now, spit 3 times over left shoulder and take 3 sips from your glass. Use rest of the water to moisten the clothes that you are wearing. You will soon have your crush asking
you for a steamy night.
Specialist Mawanda
Mobile number: +260779652913
Whatsapp number: +260779652913

Sit down on the floor- maintain a central position. First of all, anoint both the candles with oil. Light them up. Place the pink one on your left & the red one on your right. Now,
concentrate on your desires. This is to stress here that the success of the spell depends largely on the level of your concentration so make sure to get 100% concentration here.

Now, you will chant the spell. The verse would be something like a prayer where you
wholeheartedly ask your crush to feel the ardent desire for you to lust for you, to want
Chant the spell 5x and then blow off the candles. Take the paper and write the name of your crush. Then, jot down what you wish to achieve, your desires on that very paper.

Now, pour the red wax on the crush’s name followed by the pink one on your desires. As the wax dries up, fold your paper & place it inside an envelope. You have to carry along that envelope everyday with you, especially when you meet your crush and you will have him soon approaching you. Do not forget to discard that envelope after the passionate night.
Distance healing can also work so it is a better way of saving high costs of transport and so on.
How to contact Specialist Mawanda

Mobile number: +260779652913

Whatsapp number: +260779652913
Doctor Mawanda Shafiq is a Chiengi Town based healer and herbalist who also makes homes impervious to demons, evil spirits and diseases triggered by such evil agents.

In his collection on traditional medicines, he has concoctions that have proved to solve health problems, for instance, diabetes, stubborn stomach pains, STIs, infertility in both men and women, and addiction to alcohol and others substances.

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Spiritual Powers

This is another secret of Charcoal both spiritual and physical benefits




Charcoal is something you must have on you all the time. In Case you never paid much attention, it’s time to do it.

Here are the benefits of charcoal you never thought of:

1. Does your shoe smell bad? Just buy charcoal and put it in it.

2.  Do you have a bad smell in your room? Drop Charcoal that you think the smell might come from.

3. Does your refrigerator or freezer have a smell? Put a piece of coal in it.

4. Do you have a strong body smell? Just make a charcoal powder and use. Charcoal is very good to get rid of the bad smell.

5. Have you ever wondered why your parents always pick up the ashes of the coal pot to pour in the hen or toilet before sweeping? It was to get rid of the smell.

6. If you want your vegetables to be fresh all the time, make a solution with charcoal and leave your vegetables.

7. Nowadays, people complain about the use of fertilizer on plants and vegetables, making them unhealthy and toxic. If you have charcoal, you don’t have to worry about it. All you need to do is leave the vegetables in a charcoal solution during the night and it will take care of the toxins.

8. If you suspect that a food contains too many chemicals, simply drop them in a charcoal solution for a few hours and you are ready to leave.

9. If you want to whiten your teeth, don’t pay attention to all these ads on chemicals and bleaching technology. Just get charcoal and catch a plantain stem. Make a powder on charcoal, crush the end of the plantain stem, soak in charcoal powder and brush your teeth with a week.

10. Did your peanut or palm soup go wrong? You don’t have to worry about everything. Just put it on fire and drop a piece of charcoal. This will extract all the bad taste and smell and restore soup to its fresh state.

11. Do you have a hangover of a drink with friends the previous night? Just have charcoal with you and chew on it. To make it more effective, make it a nice solution and drink. You’re good at it.

12.  If you have made a wild mix and you think it can bring you down, add charcoal to the mix and your problem will be solved. Or if you’ve taken too much alcohol, just drink a charcoal solution and you’re ready to go.

13. Do you have a situation where someone’s injury has become so infected that doctors say they have to cut the affected area? Don’t insist on it, take a large amount of coal powder and pour it on the wound. This will help extract all the poison from the wound and help it heal faster. If you have a cup and you want to treat it quickly, take charcoal powder and pour on it.

14. Do you feel like your water is contaminated? You don’t need all these products on the market. Charcoal can do better, just drop part of it. Don’t worry about the color, for sure, you can even chew charcoal. It’s a lot safer than eating kfc chicken.

15. Do you have pimples, acne or skin disease that you really want to get rid of or do you want a very smooth face or skin? All you need is charcoal. Make a thick solution and apply it on your body and leave it for a few hours before taking your bath. It will leave your skin fresh and fresh.

16. Do you have a persistent stain in your kitchen, bathroom or tiles? You really need charcoal to get rid of it. I know you imagine how this black terrazzo product can actually eliminate stains? Try it, it works like magic.

17. If you ate or drank something and you feel swollen, Charcoal is the best solution to get rid of bloating.

18. Make a solution and drink help eliminate all the bad cholesterol you stored in you. Charcoal can treat all ulcers. Take the habit of always chewing.

19. Charcoal is very goldfish. They move away from evil spirits, fumes from malicious people and negative influences of the places. Before Adjusting, put coal and garlic in a bowl in each of the parts of the house to occupy for 3 JRS. The 4th Jr, remove it all and bury it without touching them in an no corner. Coal and garlic will have cleaned the place.

20. You got hurt, pour some coal powder and you’ll see.

21. Headache, a teaspoon of coal drink and you’ll see.

22. Stomach aches, a teaspoon of coal and evil goes away the next minute.

23. It treats diarrhoea, Amoeba, injuries (Ash outside that it’s an antibiotic, it’s more than medical alcohol), and in the metaphysical field, coal aspires to negative elements or entities on the body , water to drink, bath (just some 2 OR 3 Pieces) and in houses (house corners a little salt).

24. Constipation; you have gone 3 days without going to the WC, CROQUE 2 TO 4 Piece and you will go to the wc that same day

25. It’s the sovereign drug against viruses including aids virus. He doesn’t kill viruses, but it has the ability to neutralize them so that they are in the body and remain harmless.

26. Coal also cures migraines.

27. A handful of salt d plus, a piece of coal at the end to extract the excess of salt.

28. Charcoal also softens the influence of chilli either in the mouth or in the eyes.

29. It is used in stopping severe diarrhoea.

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Spiritual Powers

I received my third salary and immediately notified my husband. I asked how much he needed me to contribute, he jokingly mentioned an amount that was almost my entire salary




“So, Yesterday, I received my third salary & immediately notified my husband. I asked how much he needed me to contribute, he jokingly mentioned an amount that was almost my entire salary. To his surprise, I just took my phone & transferred the funds without hesitation.

This gesture made me realize how much he does for our family without complaining. Despite the financial burdens, he provides for our children’s education & still spoils me with gifts. He takes care of me as if I’m not earning my own money. He’s never asked me for a dime, despite that he solely sponsored my education in which i graduated as a professional nurse. All thanks to him

His gratitude touched my heart; my contribution was a fraction of his earnings, but he felt like I gave him a fortune. I reassured him that, Its just the beginning & that I’m working hard to reduce his stress & be a supportive partner. He didn’t marry a burden; he married a helper, a companion. I want him to feel more relaxed than when he was single. I’ve never felt entitled to anyone’s finances, & I won’t start that with my loving husband.

His appreciation moved him to surprise me. Without a word, he went to the market, stocked our home & cooked a delicious meal. This small gesture went on to resolved unseen quarrels. I’ll continue working hard, supporting him & showing appreciation. Men need our support too; they’re not supermarkets neither do they plug money from trees.

-Mrs Sylvia Bana

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Spiritual Powers

Lusaka’s Beautiful Lady Possessed By Demons Finally Healed After Years Of Suffering And Stigma




My name is Leopard’s Hill right in the heart of Lusaka City.However I happened to grow up in one of the villages around Nakonde. In this village, there lived a beautiful young lady who was possessed by demons since she was five years old and now she’s 23 years old. The lady used to be very violent to an extent that no one would like to get near her, she could chase any person she sees around by throwing stones at them or anything that she comes across including axe and pangas.

The lady was a threat to the existence of people and even poor animals in that village and the village elders saw it wise that they tie and lock her in one of the houses. The family members tried to look for means of curing their daughter but nothing seemed to work out, they lost hope and waited for the day she’ll either die or when the problem will perhaps miraculously end.

One day our chief called for a village gathering where the members of the village assembled to get new information. We all gathered and listened as the chief spoke, he talked about the the famous Dr Mawanda Shafiq and how he has helped many people solve their problems. We all thought of the lady possessed by demons.

The family decided to try the famous traditional healer and see if their daughter will get healed. The problem came to an end, their daughter got healed through the combination of herbal, spiritual and spell casting prowess by the experienced Dr Mawanda Shafiq  and there was peace once again in the village. Thank you Dr Mawanda,indeed you are good at what you.Carry on the goodworks of making positive changes in countless of lives across the country and beyond.

I am taking this opportunity to ask anyone with a similar problem to seek help from Dr Mawanda Shafiq,surely he can help if truly you are in need .

Dr. Mawanda Shafiq’s spell casting powers work within 24 hours, and usually within the same day they are released. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.

How to contact the authentic traditional healer Papa Mawanda for inquiries , consultations or examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing. He will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstanding at office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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