Troops of the Nigerian Army deployed for Counter Terrorism and Insurgency operations in Zamfara State have successfully raided the hideout of a notorious terrorist kingpin known...
In a significant development aimed at tackling the scourge of banditry in Nigeria, renowned Kaduna-based Islamic scholar, Sheikh Ahmad Abubakar Gumi, has been invited by the...
It is very sad and heartbreaking that a country that called self the giant of Africa derives joy in killing of the armed man meant to...
If the rag-tag terrorists could easily attack their target in Kaduna, it means no one is save in Nigeria By Valentine Amanze(18-3-2024) Nigeria has gradually become...
Sixteen military personnels on a peace mission to the Okuama community in Delta State have been killed by hoodlums
According to a community leader, John Yusuf, the bandits contacted family members of the victims and also demanded 11 Hilux vans and 150 motorcycles. Yusuf said...
Armed bandits, on Thursday morning, invaded Kuriga town of Chikun local government area of Kaduna State, attacking an LEA Primary School and abducting scores of pupils...