Amidst the heartbreak and shock following the tragic attack at a packed concert in Moscow, the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) extends its deepest condolences to President...
In a concerning turn of events, the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) has announced its intention to fundraise money for Hon. Jean Chisenga, a Member of Parliament...
In a move that has sent shockwaves through the political landscape of Zambia, the United Kingdom and Wales Association (UKWA) leaders have made their choices clear...
In a recent editorial by Koswe Editors, the spotlight is on the debt restructuring agreement in Zambia and the political dynamics surrounding it. With a pointed...
The political landscape in Ukwa is heating up as leaders have announced their front runner, Edgar Lungu, for the upcoming elections, with Kambwili as his running...
VERY EMOTIONAL ABOUT UKA: OUR DETAILED POSITION AS PeP By Sean Tembo – PeP President 1. When the United Kwacha Alliance (UKA) was first announced a...
…Dated March, 2021…. So. What is the cry about from PF cadres when this law was left by their grandiose Edgar Lungu? What UPND genuine members...
There will be a United Kwacha Alliance, UKA, Press briefing tomorrow on Thursday the 14th of March 2024 at 10:00 hours at the New Heritage Party,...
Mr Graphael Musamba could be setting himself to go down as the most partisan Chief of Police in the entire history of policing in Zambia. The...
1 Today, the 07th March, 2024 as United Kwacha Alliance, UKA we went to the police service headquarters. We went straight to room 101 to have...