Chijioke, a Nigerian residing in Stockholm, Sweden, finds himself at the mercy of a childhood friend turned scammer. The story unfolds with Victor, a practicing magistrate...
A wedding scheduled to take place today, March 30th, has been abruptly cancelled after the groom made a startling discovery about the bride’s past. What was...
For a whole year, I supported this guy financially, helping him pay some of his bills with the little I earn from where I work. I...
I am 45 years old and I am currently not working at moment, I was blessed with a beautiful wife and 2 children. When I met...
One of my relatives who is based in Lagos recently introduced one babe to me. They both did their NYSC in the north but the babe...
In the vast landscape of social media, interactions can sometimes take unexpected turns, leading to unforeseen consequences and lessons learned the hard way. Such is the...
After warning me in that dream, she púshed me down and slept with me. I was so weak that I couldn’t even stop her. When I...
Good morning Please I really need help.I have a small girl of 20 that was living with me, she happens to be my niece which since...
I was 18years old when my mother died. She was not even sick for a day. A night before she died, she was just saying her...
Nollywood actress, Laide Bakare has made a new revelation about her male colleague, Segun Ogungbe. Taking to her Instagram page to celebrate the filmmaker on his...
There are rare individuals whose resilience and determination illuminate the darkest of paths. Today, we celebrate the remarkable journey of Kingsley, a man whose unwavering spirit...
“It all started in the year 2016 at Port Harcourt, where I was living with my elder sister. I had this friend of mine who after...