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He organized an inter-schools debate competition and I represented my school. I won the competition, he gave me the prizes and promised to support me in my academics.

My dad died the previous year and my mum was having a hard time seeing us through school. I was so happy I could relieve her some burden on my side.

The bishop told me that I was free to come to his office whenever I need help. He placed me on a monthly salary for my academics which I always submitted to my mom.

He told me that he would like to meet my mum, I was surprised cos of his huge status…I didn’t expect he will have such interest.

To my surprise he came to our house, saw my mom and told her how interested he was in me, how intelligent and smart I was and even went ahead to tell her that if it was possible for him to turn himself into a young guy, that he would do it and come to ask for my hand in marriage.

They laughed over it, he gave her 100k to take care of my waec registration and that of my two siblings cos we were in same class.

After he left, my mom gave me a prayer topic to start that night. Topic was to tell God that I’m very grateful for the destiny helper he sent my way through that bishop, and that he should please continue to control his heart not to go astray from the reason he sent him my way.

She also told me to always tell her whatever discussion I have with the man and I should for no reason accept to follow him to his house or any enclosed space.

Just as if she knew what was about to happen, the man invited me to his office like he always does at the end of every month.

I got there, he attended and dismissed every other person there including his secretary. He told me that he about traveling to abroad to visit his branch ministry there, and started telling me how we would soon start touring the world together.

He reaffirmed that he will try his best to fill the vacuum of my late dad and make sure I don’t lack anything. He gave me a brand new smart phone and asked me to hug him in appreciation.

He normally hugs me whenever he sees me and I didn’t see anything wrong with it. So I hugged him as usual and he gripped me tightly in his arms and the next, he started kissing me.

I struggled with him and let my self loose from his grip. He looked very embarrassed and he started apologizing. I accepted his apology and told him I wanted to go home.

He told me he forgot to bring the envelope containing my monthly salary that he was supposed to give me and that he is running out of time already to catch up with his flight.

He suggested that I follow him to his house and take the envelope so that he can also pick his luggage and leave for the airport.

I told him that i was out of time already to pick my younger ones from school and suggested that he gives it to any of his workers to pay it into my account.

He refused and said that none of his workers knows his relationship with me and he doesn’t need them to know. He gave me the option of following him home or forgetting about the salary for that month.

I chose the later and I left. He didn’t even give me transport fare as usual. I trekked from there to our house and I told my mom what happened.

Since then, our relationship diminished to a point that he even avoids seeing me. Whenever I chat or call him, he would tell me that he’s either critically sick and hospitalized or that he wasn’t in the country.

I got admission into the university and he sent me 20k to support my registration. He also sends me monthly declaration message and still sends me birthday prayers and wishes every year.

I chat him myself once in a while to check on him. When I was about getting married, I called him to know if he was in Nigeria so I could bring him my invitation card with a wine or any other gifts but he told me he was not in Nigeria.

He didn’t sound excited at all, he just asked me some background questions about my husband and I answered them all. He told me that I was still very young for marriage but he wishes me well and would be there on my wedding if he’s in Nigeria by then.

As my wedding drew closer, I resent him the invite as a reminder but he didn’t acknowledge receiving them. On my wedding, he didn’t come and he didn’t call or chat to know how it went.

I called him some days later to know if he was okay at all but he didn’t pick up. After 5months, he chatted me to check on me. I wasn’t surprised cos that has been his behavior for over 5 years since that incident at his office.

I was happy he still remembers to check on me and I sincerely hold nothing against him. He was really sent by God to me and my family and I’ll always be grateful for what God used him to do for us.

I gave birth few months later and a week after I was discharged, I chatted him and told that I gave birth. He rained congratulations on me and asked for her pictures which I sent to him. He responded that my baby is so beautiful and special and that was all.

Just 4 hours later, my baby began to cry uncontrollably. Everything we did to make her stop crying wasn’t fruitful, she kept crying and jetting like someone having seizure. She even refused sucking breast.

This lasted for almost twenty minutes and we got so restless because since almost 2 weeks she was born, she hasn’t cried like that before. She only cries when we are bathing her. She’s always quiet and peaceful.

I wanted to try dialling my sister’s number so I can speak to my mom and just immediately, my mom’s call came in. I was surprised to see her call cos her phone is always switched off whenever she goes to church.

She asked about my daughter and I told her what was happening, she asked me who I sent my baby’s picture to and I said nobody except few of my friends abroad.

She told me she had a strange sign of danger concerning my baby while in church so she switched on her phone immediately to call.

She told me that an occultic person I sent my baby’s picture to is making an occultic invocation to siphon my baby’s star and if the access he has to her isn’t cut off, that my baby would cry continuously and loose breathe or she will turn to an imbecile.

She asked me to give the phone to my husband, she then told my husband what to do and that she will call us again after church.

My husband brought the annointing oil we had and anointed her forehead while bridging any access to her through prayers and she suddenly stopped crying  and slept off.

I was so scared and kept checking on her breathe almost every minute. She woke up after a long sleep and was back to normal.

My mom came after church and asked if I sent baby’s picture to that bishop. For a minute, I was lost because if I’m to count my enemies or those that would hurt me or my child, he won’t cross my mind.

She told me that the man is very occultic and there is no occultic person that would see the kind of star my daughter is carrying and wouldn’t want to have it for him or herself.

I couldn’t say a word, my mouth was just open. She said the man has done it to few of his members that brought their child for dedication and it’s just few because its a rare kind of star to find amongst children.

She said he uses it to intensify his powers and make his church more powerful. I was so shocked, all I could say was “what did I do to him to deserve such??, did I offend him?”

I picked up my phone to give him a piece of mind and I found out that he had blocked me. That was even more shocking. Someone I chatted not up to six hours ago, we had no disagreement whatsoever, nothing at all.

I tried calling, he also blocked my line. I used my husband’s line and checked him on Whatsapp, he was online, I called him and it rang. I was numb.

My mom gave me strict warnings on how to guard my daughter until she is of age. Till today, whenever I remember that man…I feel goosebumps all over me.

My daughter has brought us so much fortune that I cannot mention all. I got my first dollar in life as postnatal gift from someone I least expected..huge amount o.

Someone gave my husband a car gift, our business started booming again, our business associates that forgot us for years suddenly started remembering us, even our debtors that we already considered bad debts are paying us.

The fortune effect extended to my mom and mother inlaw and even to three of my friends that brought me a gift at the hospital. My daughter is just six months and I feel so special to be her mum”

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Viral Gist

I’m the happiest man on earth right now—finally, she said “Yes”! I’ve never experienced love like this before – 23 years old Nigerian




I’m the happiest man on earth right now—finally, she said “Yes”! I’ve never experienced love like this before.

This wonderful woman is based in the UK. Even though I have nothing, she accepted me as I am and has been showing me so much love since we met. We have a huge age gap—I’m 23, and she’s in her late 50s—but that doesn’t matter because age is just a number. Love is all that matters.

The most important thing is that we share a bond. We felt butterflies on our very first meeting. We love each other, and we’ve chosen to make it official. Hope you wish us well! ❤️

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Viral Gist

I had seen a lot of cases where guys come from abroad, get married to a lady, and then only come home to get them pregnant and leave them frustrated with multiple kids. I just wasn’t ready to take any chances




My story is a long one, but I intend to clear my name and explain everything in detail. I hope you will be patient enough to read it all.

It all started when I just finished school. A friend of my mom’s asked that I come to her place. When I got there, she told me how she had watched me grow and was impressed by my attitude. She pleaded that she would love for me to marry her son. My mom, my parents, and the whole family were in support of it, and they all pleaded that I consider her decision. I decided to give it a try.

We connected on social media, exchanged contacts, and did voice and video calls. He seemed to be a nice person, and we both liked each other. A date for the wedding was set on December 22nd, and he came and finalized everything. After the wedding, it’s true that I refused to get pregnant for him because I insisted on us being on birth control. I had seen a lot of cases where guys come from abroad, get married to a lady, and then only come home to get them pregnant and leave them frustrated with multiple kids. I just wasn’t ready to take any chances.

My husband was forced to get more serious and speed up the process of my papers so I could join him abroad. Luckily, my papers were ready in a few months, and I finally joined him in the States. This is where the problems all started.

While abroad for just four weeks, I noticed that my husband didn’t like me going out. All he wanted was for me to stay at home and wait for him. He didn’t even like me talking to neighbors. He asked me to make a list of food items I might need for a week or two, and he would take the list to the market himself, buy, and stock the kitchen with enough groceries to last at least a week or two. I stayed in America for over a year, stuck in my husband’s house. The only time I left the house was when he took me out during the weekend to have a few drinks and catch some fun.

For over a year, I kept pleading with my husband to grant me permission to start working and earning something, no matter how little, to at least help my poor parents and siblings back home and not run to him for everything. Please note that I am the first child. My siblings are all school dropouts, and my parents had to put all their resources and savings into me to see me through school. I really felt bad when my parents or siblings needed help, and I was unable to do anything about it because I fully depended on my husband for everything. Most times, I would run to him about my family problems, but he didn’t react in time or at all, using the excuse that he forgot.

On a very faithful day, luckily for me, after so much pressure and pleading, my husband finally accepted that I could go out for sport every morning and run around the neighborhood. In the course of that, I was lucky to have met some good friends who introduced me to their other friends. That’s when I started asking questions. Sometimes they would come around the house when my husband was at work, and we would chat. That’s how I was enlightened on so many things I had no clue of here abroad.

These same friends even helped me secure a job in a hospital to work as a nurse. I was so excited and told my husband, but he forbade me from taking the job, saying he didn’t bring me to America to work but brought me to be his wife, take care of his home, make babies, and certainly take care of them and make his meals. He insisted that it’s what a good wife does and that I must respect his decision as the chief commander of the house. I was shocked and disappointed to hear these words come out of my husband’s mouth.

However, I ignored him and insisted on working, hoping that he would come around. The week I started work, he started refusing to eat my food or talk to me. I still ignored it and acted like everything was okay. This went on for about two weeks, and he suddenly came around.

This man patiently waited until Christmas holiday and cajoled me into believing that we were going home to spend the holidays and celebrate with family and old friends. When we arrived in the country, he took me back to my parents. When the holidays were over, he abandoned me in the village and took a flight back to the States. I guess he wanted to teach me a lesson and probably break me. I spent almost two months in the village. Thank God I still had my phone, and I communicated with some friends who sympathized, helped me, and I was able to book a flight back to America.

For six months, my husband had no clue I was back in the States. He probably thought I was still in the village. I guess someone told him I was back, and he came to where I work to see for himself. I could see the shock, anger, and disappointment on his face when he saw me. A few weeks later, he asked me for a divorce, saying that I’m stubborn and disobedient to him and that my family is in support of my bad behavior. He has been insisting that my family refunds every dime he spent on me as “dowry.”

Can you believe that this man has been sending me threats of late, asking me to leave America? He says he picked me from the gutters and doesn’t want to see me in America. According to him, he was the one who brought me here in the first place, and if not for him, I would never have dreamed of coming to America. To be honest, I was shocked that my husband came public with this issue. I guess he wants to expose and embarrass me.

Derick, you’ve tormented me enough. Can you imagine that this man also blames me for our childlessness, accusing me of messing up my womb? God knows I’ve never indulged in such. Several tests carried out on me prove that I’m okay, but he refuses to do his own tests, insisting that he is okay because he once impregnated a girl in his school days. Because he once got a girl pregnant, he keeps insisting the fault is mine.

Well, Derick, I’m so happy to break this news to you. Your divorce papers have been signed. Yes, I’ve found someone so sweet and a million times better than you. I’m a month pregnant by him, and we’re getting married in two months. Guess what? You’re invited. We’ll be so delighted to see you at our wedding. You asked that your “dowry” be refunded. Well, I’ve talked to my family, and everything will be refunded in full payment anytime you’re ready. You also insist that I leave the States because you do not want to see me here. I promise you, if you continue like this, I’ll be forced to dial 911, and you sure do know what will happen. Please do not push me any further.

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Viral Gist

This guy here impregnated me and asked that I abort. He finally fled when I refused. I tried looking for him everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found. My brother, who was managing a small retail shop at that time, took care of everything. He made sure that I lacked nothing so I could deliver safely without complications




I am the girl whose brother traveled to Dubai and spent seven years sending money for her to build a house and invest for him back home. Instead, she gave everything to her boyfriend and put all the documents in his name. It’s been two months, and a lot has happened. It wasn’t entirely my fault, and I’m here to make everyone understand what actually happened. Please pardon me for this very long essay. I intend to be very detailed with my side of the story.

It all started seven years ago. This guy here impregnated me and asked that I abort. He finally fled when I refused. I tried looking for him everywhere, but he was nowhere to be found. My brother, who was managing a small retail shop at that time, took care of everything. He made sure that I lacked nothing so I could deliver safely without complications. I later gave birth to a baby girl. My boyfriend still never showed up. My elder brother kept taking good care of me and my daughter for over two years.

One day, my brother opened up to me and told me he intended to travel out of the country. According to him, he had met a very good old friend of his online who had encouraged and advised that he come over to Dubai because there were some new good job opportunities that could better his life. Due to this, my brother took a loan and sold some of his properties, adding to his little savings. He handed over his shop to me so it could be my source of income to enable me to take care of myself and my child while he’d be away, hoping that he would find a good job and further support me and the child.

A few months later, my brother called to alert me that he had finally settled and gotten a job at last, though he complained of the working and living conditions over there being terribly harsh and life as a whole wasn’t that easy. After a few months, my brother confided in me about his plans and a building project he had thought about. He said I was the only one who could handle it since we’re orphans and I’m his only sister and the only family he could trust.

After about a year, he managed to save up a very huge sum, which he sent to me to look for and buy a vast piece of land and immediately start the building project. By this time, my boyfriend had suddenly shown up, cried to me, and begged for my forgiveness. It felt really genuine. I guess I missed him and was still very much in love with him, so I took him back. My brother wasn’t aware that we were back together. I opened up to my boyfriend and explained every detail of what my brother had earlier told me, hoping to get advice from him on how to go about the task since he is a man and would be in a better position to know more about such matters.

He assured me not to worry and that he would take care of everything. I actually believed in him since he is a man and was the best person to handle such a task. I then handed over the money my brother had sent to him, and he bought the land, employed people to start work, and asked me not to tell my brother that we were back together or that he was handling the building project. He said he wanted to use the opportunity to make things right with my brother by helping out with his building projects and investments. He sounded really convincing. Besides, I was actually seeing the work he was putting in and the results. So, I had no reason to doubt him since the evidence was there.

My brother started sending money every month. He said he had gotten other part-time odd jobs aside from his real job and that he would send every dime he could aside from the money needed to settle bills and some basic necessities. He further said that he hardly even ate twice a day because he was doing everything possible so we could finish up the projects as soon as possible. He was 40 at that time and, according to him, he wasn’t getting any younger. He intended to come home quickly afterward to settle down, get married, and make a family since he had no kids yet.

Five years later, my boyfriend had completed the building and suggested that we move into the house since it was vacant instead of spending money on rent every month. The idea was reasonable, so I accepted. I had already updated my brother that the building was complete. He asked for my opinion on which business he could invest in so he could fall back on when he comes back. I asked my boyfriend, and he suggested an electronics business, adding that it was a very good business line that brings quick and much profit and is not difficult to run. My brother continued working, saved up after a year, and sent another very huge sum for the business investment project to me, which I again handed over to my boyfriend after he convinced me that he was in a better position to handle it.

He went on and rented a very big shop, bought some goods, and took me to the place so I could see the evidence, which I did. So, I had no reason to doubt him. According to my boyfriend, more capital was needed to stock the shop so the business could generate better and more profits and run perfectly. By this time, my brother was making plans to come back. When I initiated the idea, it made sense to him, and he decided to change his mind. He continued sending money for the shop.

One day, while cleaning the house, I found the house documents. I was shocked to see my boyfriend’s name on the documents, including the shop, instead of my brother’s. When I confronted him, this guy convinced me that everything he was doing was for our good and that he intended to marry me in a few months. He said we should convince my brother to stay in Dubai for at least two more years so he could send more money and, from the savings from his business, we could use it to settle my brother when he comes back or build a small house and set up a smaller business for him to start life. I was so blind and wasn’t thinking straight. His words were so good and convincing that I ended up siding with him.

My brother suddenly came back without mentioning a word to me. He didn’t inform anyone that he was coming. It was a surprise and shock to us. He was so shocked and disappointed to discover that I had given birth to two more children with the same guy who abandoned me with a pregnancy and a baby before he left for Dubai. He seemed unhappy with me, even though he was really trying to act okay.

The problems began the next day when he started asking questions and asked that I hand over the documents of his house and take him to the shop so he could get acquainted. I rushed to my boyfriend, but he told me to refuse ever collecting money from my brother for any building project or whatever and that I should maintain my stand because he would back me up. I did exactly as he told me. My brother was so shocked and disappointed in me.

I felt bad doing this to my only brother, betraying him like that, but the truth is, I’m not entirely to blame here. By this time, I had already had three kids with this guy. I’m currently 33 years old and was scared of losing him. I feared I might end up never finding a husband. I knew if I refused to act as he told, he would leave me. He even threatened to do just that. I felt if he left me after everything, I would be the one to lose. Honestly, any lady in my shoes would have done the same. I had no choice.

My brother came back almost empty-handed, without enough cash, and he wasn’t keeping our chats or the pay slips after sending me money. There was obviously no one to stand up for him. So, it was easy for us to defeat him in the few places he took the case to. My fiancé further sent boys to threaten him, so he stopped pursuing the case. The last time I saw him, it was obvious he was going through depression. He was dressed in rags and looked so different. I felt so much pity for him and pleaded with my fiancé to help him. We offered to give him something little to at least start up a business, but instead, he got upset and walked out on us. That was the last time I saw my brother. It’s been almost two months now, and no one knows his whereabouts.

This man you see here is heartless. After everything he made me do, he started bringing in women to the house. Most times, he doesn’t even come home. He sleeps out for days, not caring if my kids and I feed. I’ve been going through domestic violence for weeks now. This guy had the audacity to send me out of my brother’s house when I complained about his immature and irresponsible behavior. Honestly, I am ashamed of myself. For the past two weeks, I’ve been staying at a friend’s place with my kids, who asked and advised that I come public, reveal the whole truth, and apologize.

Bro, I’m crying while typing this. Honestly, I’m sorry, brother Mike. I lack words because I’m too ashamed of myself for siding with a stranger. Before Mama died, she asked you to protect and take care of me, your only sister, and you’ve been doing just that. Bro, I’m still your little sister, your little Debi. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. I really do not know what came over me. I’m truly sorry for everything. Please, wherever you are, come out so we can fight this case. I still have every chat and the evidence of everything you sent. I can prove it anywhere. Please, if this should reach you, brother Mike, I’m begging you to come out and reclaim what is rightfully yours. I’m deeply sorry, brother.

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