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At age 21, I had aborted seven times – lady narrates her life




Seven terrible times, I nearly died in the seventh attempt. By the time I was 36 years, I lost count. Abortion was like pressing pimple from my face.

It all started when I lost my virginity at 15, it was incest: a cousin drugged and savaged my hymen.
That was the early trauma of my life. I was lonely, broken and battered.Yet, I had no mother or father.

The sad story was that I was also a product of rape. I never knew who donated the sperm to my poor late mother, I didn’t know my father, my upbringing was horrible. My mother died during labour.

Just after I was deflowered, my urge for sex became voracious. By 17 it had gone so bad that I had to do it every day, if there was no man ready, I would masturbate countless times, the urge was like fire I must quench.

I was very smart when having intercourse, but in S.S 2, I got pregnant. That time, I was still living with my uncle. I didn’t know who was responsible because I used to have sex almost daily. I became sacred, if my uncle should find out, he would kill me. He was cruel to me before and I was living like a slave in his house. His first child, my cousin, was the one who raped me and broke my hymen. He drugged me and deflowered me.

I eventually ran out of the house in shame and confusion.

I ran to Lagos frustrated and confused, I didn’t know where to go. I remember my first night in Lagos, I was roaming around the street looking for where to sleep. There was no where to stay, I kept roaming with my little bag. It was during harmattan and I was shivering in cold.

Then I saw a group of ladies afar in skimpy skirts and breast-revealing gowns. I was sacred to move close. One of them, Simbi, moved close to me, it was like she knew my dilemma, she welcomed and took me to her home. She lived in a ghetto and as we got there, there was smoke and drinking everywhere though it was late at night.

I finally confirmed that she was a fill time prostitute. She took me to her only room. It was a single room with two mattresses on the floor. There was an offensive odour that greeted me as she opened the door.

She accommodated me without many questions. I was sacred but I had no option. She helped me to abort the three-month pregnancy. She knew what to do exactly. From that time, I did abortion countless times. Though Simbi removed her womb, I was scared to do so.

My sexual desire eventually met satisfaction in prostitution, at least, I could satisfy my urge and get paid. I also went into smoking and drinking, gradually my life turned to a total mess. I bleached my skin to keep my attraction and I drugged daily to have energy in bed for as many as were ready for paid sex.

I had no family, you couldn’t trace me to anyone except Simbia, my boss in ‘Ashewo’. All through this time, many came to preach, but I hated them. I didn’t want to hear anything about God.

I had so many questions unanswered and I hated God. Why did He create me for suffering? He should not have created me.

My mother suffered and died. My mother, as I was told, was raped at 18 and died at my delivery. Since I was a mistake, I decided to live a life of a mistake too before I die. And if God was real, I wanted to see. I wanted to see why He left me for suffering

While I was in the ghetto, several guys took a risk and came to preach to me, I accused them that they were rapists, they were beaten to stupor by hoodlums.

I had a reserved hatred for the male gender. I saw my cousin who deflowered me in every young guy and when I saw any married man, all I saw was my cruel uncle. Since I didn’t even know my own father, I just hated all men.

“I don’t need a man, except to satisfy me in bed and make money.”

Even ladies, I ridiculed those called sisters who came to preach. I have hatred for everybody.

Unfortunately, things started falling apart for me.

Simbi died and I inherited her room. Not long after this, I contracted HIV/AIDs. I thought my life was going to end, so, I promised to spread the virus to as many as possible. I became aggressive in prostitution. Since the world was not nice to me, I decided to make it worse before I die. “Yes, let us spoil everything, the suffering must spread.”

But I couldn’t keep up, the virus made all kinds of diseases surface in my body: I had this headache that made me feel like I would run mad, migraine; I had skin cancer, my lungs were weak because of the excessive weeds and cigarettes I had smoked.

Regrettably, people stopped patronising me. I was shocked, I never knew it would be that soon, but my overused body was squeezing and shrinking daily, I was becoming a skeleton with a worn-out layer of skin. You would think I was 63 at 36.

Ah! Yet I I had no one by me. I thought the end had come. So I waited for death.

I became worse week after week until one chosen day, a young lady came to my stinking room at the ghetto. If it were before, I would chase her, but I was too weak to do that.

Then she started speaking about God’s love.

I laughed with the remaining strength till I was shedding tears — I thought I had offended God beyond forgiveness. Why on earth would God care for such a battered girl like I was?

The Lady said God told her to come to me and I should come to Him. It was all like lies. If God existed and He remembered me, then, it should be for judgment because I hated God and I hated men.

I knew I had countless demons in my body, I heard them telling me what to do. Many times, they told me what to do to get customers. I could have information about my customers by these demons, through this, I made more money, stole their belongings and did what I liked.

But the worse was that, when HIV came, the demons kept telling me God would not forgive me. They said I was going to die if I dare go to church.

Since I knew no one, life was terrible. But this lady, her name, Christiana, kept coming with food. There was something about her, anytime she was with me, I felt happy, I stopped hearing voices in my head. She became my friend and was inviting me to church.

I eventually followed her for a crusade.

The last time I was in church was before I left home. I wouldn’t have followed her but when she first prayed for me, the voices in my head stopped.

Also, I used to see Simbi in my dream, this also stopped, so I felt there could be more if I followed her.

She didn’t know I was HIV positive, though my look was terrific, she told me, God would do more for me.

Well, I was only waiting for death and I had this fear of facing God after death. So I simply followed her. After all, I thought mine was over and there was nothing left than to die. I was not even sure I would be buried. Who knew me?

At the crusade, as we approached, there were people there already. Decent people, they were looking happy. I envied them as I looked around.

Then an usher said, “Sister you can sit here.” I thought that couldn’t be me. So I stood still. She touched me and said, ” I’m sorry ma, you can sit here.”

What! I felt good, I had no sister except Simbi, my boss. My customers called me only sexy names. To be called a sister by a stranger, that simply gladdened my heart. Besides, I looked terrible, yet she called me sister and offered me a sit.

I watched them sing and dance. I wasn’t familiar with church again and didn’t know their songs.

When the preacher came up, that was the most loving word I ever heard. He was speaking to me, it was about God’s love. Every word hit me. I thought he came to preach to me alone.

He said that Jesus could heal any terminal disease. He said Jesus could give a new beginning!

“Could there be a new beginning for a battered life like mine?” I thought.

My eyes started to drop tears, I felt like someone embraced me with a warm blanket. I was sobbing and my head was bowed. Under my breathe, I muttered, “Jesus, if you can save anyone, please save me.”

That was the last thing I remember saying. It was like something pulled me backwards and I became unconscious.

When I opened my eyes, I was in a room surrounded by about ten people. They were all saying what I couldn’t understand at the same time, praying for me.

I saw a small dead snake on the floor, I was told I vomited it.

This was the beginning of my new life. I was healed of every disease in my body. By that time I was 36, I never thought I would live again. I never knew I still had more years to live on earth.

Career, marriage or family was out my mind. Who would marry a mess like I was?

But God beautify my life quickly and I am happily married today. The most amazing thing was that I have two Kids. Even though I had told you where I am coming from, but words can’t describe how horrible my life was. But see me today, I am happy to serve a loving living God.

I have been preaching the gospel in the ghetto, and I want to spend the rest of my life spreading God’s love. I am eternally grateful to God for His indescribable love.

The overwhelming, never-ending reckless love of God. It chased me down, fought until I was found…I couldn’t earn it and I don’t deserve it.

God’s love is real and I have tasted it. I don’t know how your life is right now that you are reading, but Gods love is like an ocean that will swallow you.

Ever since I accepted Jesus and serving God, He has never reminded me of my sins. Simbi couldn’t taste of this love, if you are alive, you need to receive this love now. Receive a new life in Jesus.

Say this prayer aloud:

“Dear God, I know I’m a sinner but I have realised you love me. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him from the dead.

I ask for your forgiveness. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.”

Congratulations if you have just prayed the prayer. Just like I did, you need to join a church too. Don’t be confused about the church, God will guide you. The church will help you to grow and support your new life.

Story titled: GHETTO TO GRACE

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FREE PRIESTHOOD TRAINING: Do you want to be a Prophet or Prophetess?





Do you want to be a Prophet or Prophetess?
Do you want to be a Seer and Revelator?
How to set up an altar.
( a temple is made up of many altars for different purposes)
How to baptize the living and the dead.
How to discern between physical and spiritual problems.
How to solve physical and spiritual problems.
How to conduct temple work, priesthood ordinances and sacrifices.
How to confirm the living and the dead and bestowal of the Holy Ghost on them.
How to endow the living and the dead.
How to train missionaries.
How to name and bless children.
How to administer the sacrament.
How to consecrate oil.
How to administer to the sick.
How to seal the anointing.
How to give Fathers blessings and other blessings of comfort and counsel.
How to confer the priesthood and ordain to an office in the priesthood.
How to set apart members for their duties.
How to identify your enemies spiritually.
How to confuse and destroy your identified enemy spiritually.
How to produce and use unusual weapons against physical and spiritual enemies.
How to seal marriages.
How to seal children to their parents (Family) together.
How to conduct family history temple work.
How to conduct exorcism .
How to administer a church.
How to conjure angels to do your bidding.
How to know the past, present and future .
And many, many more with the help of God.
Participants for this training must hold a Temple Recommend. Information on how to obtain a temple recommend are shown below:
Listed below are the basic requirements for obtaining a temple recommend to enter the Holy Temple or participate in priesthood ordinances and sacrifices.
You must be a member of the Power of Jesus Christ Church Worldwide (+) by baptism and confirmation. Males must hold the Melchizedek Priesthood.
You must obey the word of wisdom (no alcohol, nicotine, cigarette , kolanuts , tobacco or harmful drugs).
You must obey the law of chastity (no fornication, adultery, pornography, masturbation, homosexualism and the like).
You must be a full tithe payer.
You must give a generous fast offering .
You must be honest with your fellow men.
You must obey the commandments of God.
People with tattoos are not allowed into the Holy Temple of God. If you have a tattoo, you wear a constant reminder of a mistake you have made. You might consider having it removed. You must not have tattoo on your skin or extra holes pierced on your nose or ears.( Read Leviticus 19:28).
Immodest dressing is not allowed. Holiness unto the Lord. (Read Psalm 24, Exodus 28&39).We discourage the piercing of the body except for medical purposes. If girls or women desire to have their ears pierced , they are encouraged to wear only one pair of modest earrings . Those who choose to disregard this counsel show a lack of respect for themselves and for God (1 Corinthians 3: 16-17) and are therefore not allowed to enter the Holy Temple . No unclean thing enters the Holy Temple to defile it.
For further information and questions, please contact:
The Clerk,
The Power of Jesus Christ Church Worldwide (+).
Holy of Holies Altar and Temple Sanctuary of God.
Telephone: +2348122754936, +2348140624643, +2348173175179, +2348166582414.
Whatsapp: +2348140624643.
Twitter: @Philip_Anochie.
E-mail: [email protected].

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Exposed:How Smart Zambians Are Dominating Business With Use Of Spell Work.




barking on the path of entrepreneurship is a journey fraught with challenges and uncertainties. From navigating market dynamics to managing finances and fostering growth, the road to building a successful business can be daunting. However, for those knowledgeable and risk takers seeking to tip the scales of success in their favor, there are various spells that provide a unique and powerful tool for achieving prosperity in the competitive world of commerce.


Dr Mawanda Shafiq, revered practitioner of traditional healing and spell casting, is renowned for his mystical ability to manifest abundance and prosperity through the use of ancient wisdom and spiritual insights. For aspiring entrepreneurs looking to gain a competitive edge and realize their dreams of business ownership, the spells offered by this practitioner offer a pathway to success that transcends conventional methods.

For more info:


The journey to starting a successful business with spells from Doctor Mawanda Shafiq begins with a clear vision and a deep commitment to one’s entrepreneurial aspirations. Whether it be launching a new venture or revitalizing an existing enterprise, the practitioner work closely with individuals to understand their goals and objectives, crafting personalized spells tailored to their unique needs and circumstances.


Utilizing a combination of ritualistic ceremonies, Dr Mawanda invokes powerful forces of prosperity and abundance to support the growth and success of the business. These spells are imbued with the ancient wisdom of generations past, drawing upon the natural elements and spiritual energies to create a fertile ground for entrepreneurial success.


The results of these spells are nothing short of miraculous. Many entrepreneurs who have enlisted the assistance of Doctor Mawanda Shafiq report experiencing a significant uptick in their business prospects, with increased sales, expanded market reach, and enhanced brand visibility being common outcomes. Whether it be attracting new customers, securing lucrative partnerships, or overcoming obstacles with ease, the impact of these spells is felt in myriad ways.


In addition to providing tangible benefits for business growth, the spells from this traditional spiritual man also offers invaluable support in navigating the challenges and uncertainties that accompany entrepreneurship. From boosting confidence and fostering resilience to providing guidance and inspiration, the spiritual assistance offered by these practitioners serves as a powerful ally in the journey towards business success.


Yet, amidst the stories of triumph and prosperity, skeptics may question the efficacy of spiritual intervention in matters of business. However, for those who have experienced the transformative impact spells firsthand, there is no doubt that their guidance has made all the difference in their entrepreneurial journey.


Aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start a successful business would do well to consider the assistance of Dr Mawanda Shafiq as a valuable resource in their quest for prosperity. With guidance and support, individuals can unlock the full potential of their business ventures, realizing their dreams of entrepreneurship and achieving lasting success in the competitive marketplace.


How to contact Dr Mawanda Shafiq:


Contact Number: +260767053936


Whatsapp Number: +260779652913


Email: [email protected]




Many others who have been assisted by Doctor Mawanda Shafiq say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.


Find a natural and holistic way to improve your family affairs, relationships,financial and health well-being with Dr. Mawanda , a qualified alternative medicine practitioner in Zambia,South Africa & Globally. Dr Mawanda Shafiq is an alternative medicine-man based in Zambia. Mawanda medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on preventing and treating diseases by using natural therapies, such as herbs, remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes. Just like naturopathy and homeopathy, Mawanda falls under alternative medicine and is still practiced throughout the globe today. Its aimed at using the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


He also known to solve life problems: love issues, family problems, hardships in business,bad dreams, increases your luck, i.e.quick selling & buying of properties, winning lottery games and court cases, chieftaincy issues, visa problems,high spirits of pastors,control cheater lovers, office problems, election wins, promotion at work, family disputes and herbal detoxification.


Do not be limited by location. You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda’s greatest attribute is distance healing.


Take note that Dr Mawanda Shafiq exercises Doctor-patient confidentiality; Neither patient’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared with a third party or made public unless otherwise Or patient’s own volition to give a testimony.


To book an appointment or for more information and Inquiry,sms, Whatsapp or call Dr. Mawanda on



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Betrayal:”My Girlfriend Dumped Me On Her Return From Studies Abroad Which I Fully Funded.This Is What I Was Inclined To Do.”





In a tale that traverses the depths of despair to the heights of joy, Emma(real name with-held) from Livingstone found solace and love through the mystical intervention.His story serves as a testament to the transformative power of faith and the unwavering commitment to love’s enduring promise.


It was just over a year ago when Emma’s world came crashing down around him. Having sacrificed and invested in his girlfriend’s education abroad, he eagerly anticipated her return home from Sydney, Australia envisioning a future brimming with shared dreams and unyielding love. However, his hopes were shattered when she broke his heart upon her arrival, leaving him devastated and adrift in a sea of anguish.


Consumed by disappointment,grief and heartache, Emma couldn’t take it ,so he resorted to Spell casting.He sought the help of a traditional Sangoma known as Dr Mawanda Shafiq after he thorough search and after going through his website: from where he found his contacts for solace and guidance, seeking his reputable ancient wisdom and mystical prowess to mend his fractured heart. With tears in his eyes and a yearning for redemption, he pleaded with the quiet,elderly and spiritual man to intervene on his behalf, believing in their ability to restore the love that had once illuminated his life.


Touched by Emma’s genuine plight and fueled by sacred duty to heal, the Doctor Mawanda Shafiq embarked on a journey of spiritual intervention, drawing upon profound knowledge and mystical insights to address the wounds of his broken heart. Through ancient rituals and powerful incantations, he endeavored to realign the cosmic forces in his favor, paving the way for a miraculous reunion and reconciliation with his lost love.


The results were nothing short of miraculous. In a twist of fate that defied all odds, Emma’s former girlfriend, now moved by an inexplicable force of love and longing, reached out to him, expressing remorse for her past actions and a desire to rebuild what they once shared. Overwhelmed with emotion, Emma welcomed her back into his arms, ready to embark on a journey of healing and renewal together.


Today, Emma and his beloved stand as living testaments to the power of love and the transformative influence of powerful spiritual intervention. Their bond, once fractured by heartache, has been forged anew through the crucible of adversity, strengthened by the unwavering support of the mystical healers who guided them back to each other.


As they walk hand in hand into the sunset of their shared future, Emma and his wife remain forever grateful to Dr Mawanda Shafiq for the invaluable assistance in rekindling the flame of their love. Theirs is a story of resilience, redemption, and the enduring power of love to triumph over even the darkest of days.


How to contact Dr Mawanda Shafiq:


Contact Number: +260767053936


Whatsapp Number: +260779652913


Email: [email protected]




Many others who have been assisted by Doctor Mawanda Shafiq say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.


Find a natural and holistic way to improve your family affairs, relationships,financial and health well-being with Dr. Mawanda , a qualified alternative medicine practitioner in Zambia,South Africa & Globally. Dr Mawanda Shafiq is an alternative medicine-man based in Zambia. Mawanda medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on preventing and treating diseases by using natural therapies, such as herbs, remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes. Just like naturopathy and homeopathy, Mawanda falls under alternative medicine and is still practiced throughout the globe today. Its aimed at using the body’s natural ability to heal itself.


He also known to solve life problems: love issues, family problems, hardships in business,bad dreams, increases your luck, i.e.quick selling & buying of properties, winning lottery games and court cases, chieftaincy issues, visa problems,high spirits of pastors,control cheater lovers, office problems, election wins, promotion at work, family disputes and herbal detoxification.


Do not be limited by location. You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda’s greatest attribute is distance healing.


Take note that Dr Mawanda Shafiq exercises Doctor-patient confidentiality; Neither patient’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared with a third party or made public unless otherwise Or patient’s own volition to give a testimony.


To book an appointment or for more information and Inquiry,sms, Whatsapp or call Dr. Mawanda on



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