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Viral Gist

I’m 28 years old and I have been in prison for two years now because of my foolishness. I used to work as a bouncer and of course I had the macho guy physique




My colleagues(bouncers) was always fantasizing about how they spank girls on their ass randomly and get away with it especially when they see girls with their male friends or these year one students.

Some of them even end up beating up their boyfriends if they dare to stand up for the girls. It was really fun to us and I decided to give it a try.

I did it a couple of times, got away with it and it felt so good. I enjoy the helplessness and furiousness I see on the girl’s faces whenever I spank them and they turn probably to retaliate and them see that it’s me.

It was so fun and intoxicating until the day  I was going for my evening workout session and I saw a fine girl coming back from school with her girlfriend.

Obviously from their looks, they should be in their first year. Her friend saw me and crossed to the other side of the street probably because she was scared of my physique or she has had an encounter with me.

She beckoned on her friend to join her to the other side of the street but the girl refused and continued to work towards me and as usual I spanked her just as she was about to walk past me.

To my greatest surprise she turned and splashed the water she was holding on my face. I expected her to take to her heels after doing that but she stood fearlessly and gave me a stern warning never to try it again.

Common sense should have told me at that point to walk away because it’s obvious this girl definitely has a backup that made her so fearless, but my foolishness and ego took the greater part of me.

I gave her a resounding slap and she hooked me on my waist screaming that “I must ki*ll her today”. Some people came around but none of them could calm the situation as the girl refused never to let let me go.

I never knew her friend was filming all that was happening. The small girl’s mouth was very sharp like parrot, she kept calling me names and even threatened that her mum will deal with me until I get on my knees to beg her.

All I wanted was her to get her hands off my waist so I could leave cos I was sensing bigger trouble. The next thing I saw was a blue Hilux coming with speed towards us.

The car halted just an inch away from me cos it nearly hit me down. Two hefty armed guys came down from the car and ordered me to enter into the car. Before I could say Jack, they bundled me into the car and handcuffed me.

A lady that should be my mate or in her very early 30s came down from the car,  the girl ran into her arms and called her mummy. She took her into the car alongside her friend while the men transferred me to the back of the Hilux and blindfolded me.

I knew a lot of police officers and big men due to the nature of my work so I didn’t panic. The car zoomed off and after about 30mins drive, the car stopped and they took me down.

They removed the blindfold and I saw that we were at the police station so I felt relaxed. They took away my phone and I was looking around anxiously to see any officer that knows me but before I knew what was going on, they detained me.

The lady gave them an order to strip me naked and beat me up terribly. She also told them to make sure nobody comes to visit me. It was as if scales fell off my eyes and I began to beg them.

I was seriously and terribly brutalized that night by the inmates and I was naked with bruises all over till the next morning. I felt helpless and wished I never touched that girl.

Few hours later, I was called out of the detention room and was given my clothes to wear. They took me into their car and the next place we arrived was in court. I kept begging them profusely but it fell on deaf ears.

The court proceedings started, the recorded video was tendered, the girl was there also with her friend and her mom. I had no lawyer and I pleaded guilty.

I was given a jail term of 5years for sexual harassment, battery and assault. All these happened under 24hrs of that incident. The girl’s mom obviously has long legs.

Its been two years here in the prison and each day I spend here is filled with regrets and prayers that somehow a miracle happens and I get out of here”.

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Viral Gist

The Controversy Surrounding Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho and Very Dark Man




In recent weeks, Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho, a notable figure in the Nigerian religious community, has become the center of a heated controversy. This drama unfolds as “Very Dark Man” challenges the authenticity of Prophet Omotosho’s spiritual products, leading to a legal dispute that has caught the attention of many.


Prophet Omotosho is renowned for offering spiritual guidance and selling items claimed to possess miraculous properties, including soap, water, and LED bulbs. These products are marketed as having the power to heal and bring wealth, with prices sometimes exceeding $1500.

The controversy began when “Very Dark Man” questioned the legitimacy of these claims. He demanded proof of the NAFDAC (National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control) number associated with the soap and called for transparency about the spiritual materials used. In response, Prophet Omotosho has filed a lawsuit against “Very Dark Man,” alleging defamation and demanding an investigation.

The case has ignited a broader debate about the ethics of monetizing spiritual services. Here are some key concerns of the public:

  1. Exploitation of Faith: Critics argue that selling spiritual items at such high prices exploits individuals’ faith and desperation. The hefty price tags on these items raise ethical questions about the intentions behind their sale.
  2. Lack of Transparency: The absence of clear information regarding the ingredients and spiritual efficacy of these products has fueled skepticism. People are demanding more transparency about what exactly is being sold and whether these products genuinely deliver on their promises.
  3. Reputation of the Church: The scandal surrounding Prophet Omotosho has broader implications for the Christian community. When high-profile religious leaders become embroiled in controversies, it can erode public trust in the church and its leaders.

The ongoing lawsuit highlights the contentious nature of this issue. The outcome of this legal battle could set a precedent for how similar cases are handled in the future and might influence the practices of other religious leaders.

The situation with Prophet Jeremiah Omotosho serves as a crucial reminder of the complex dynamics at play when faith and commerce intersect. As legal proceedings continue, it is essential for both religious leaders and followers to consider the ethical implications of selling spiritual services and to advocate for greater transparency and integrity within the faith community, else the Christian community would be jeopardized by fake prophets and extortion of the general public.



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Viral Gist

My mom was everything to me. Unfortunately, after we lost my dad, my mom fell into deep depression, and her mental illness has since taken her to another level




My Journey with My Mentally Ill Mother

My mom was everything to me. Unfortunately, after we lost my dad, my mom fell into deep depression, and her mental illness has since taken her to another level. But despite everything, I have never forgotten my mom or the sacrifices she made for me. It’s because of her, and by God’s grace, that I am here today. Every day, I bring her food, clean up her bed, and take care of her, even though it breaks my heart to see her this way.

It hurts deeply when people refer to me as “that daughter of a mad woman.” But I will never deny my mom. Most people who come close to me often distance themselves once they realize that I’m the daughter of a well-known mentally ill woman in the market. They mock me because of my mom’s condition, but I stand firm in my love and respect for her.

Mommy, I love you. You remain my mom, and nothing will ever change that. You gave birth to me, and I’m here to stay by your side. I will always love you, and I promise that I’ll never abandon you, Mama.

Sometimes, I can’t help but envy my friends whose moms are all okay, and I wish everything were fine with you, Mommy. But despite everything, you are still my mother, and my love for you will never fade.

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Viral Gist

Look at me now—a child abandoned by her own mother when she was just 7 months old. My story is one of pain, survival, and ultimately, triumph




I was raised by my grandmother, but at age 7, I lost her too. My father took me in, and I was overjoyed at the thought of finally living with him. Little did I know, it was the beginning of a long, dark chapter in my life. My stepmother was cruel, subjecting me to all kinds of maltreatment. There were times I went hungry for days, starved to the point where I would see darkness in broad daylight. Once, in desperation, I ate our dog’s leftover food, only to be caught by the neighbor’s son. His mother later called me over and asked if it was true. Terrified, I begged her not to tell my stepmother, knowing she would punish me severely for not throwing the food away.

That kind woman wept for me and promised to give me food every day in secret. She kept that promise until we moved away. But as if starving me wasn’t enough, my stepmother also resorted to brutal beatings. She would flog me mercilessly until I fainted at times. She would apply pepper to my private parts, eyes, armpits, and neck, tie me up, and abandon me in one of the toilets for hours without food. When I begged for water, she would cruelly tell me to drink my own excrement and urine. I shed tears whenever I remember these things—I was living in hell on earth.

Despite all these horrors, I was bright academically and loved by God and many kind people. I knew that the only way to escape this suffering was through education, so I never joked with my studies. I was determined to succeed, and I did.

So you see, I have every right to be hateful, bitter, jealous, arrogant, sad, negative, and toxic—but I chose not to be. For years, my stepmother has been trying to reach me. But if I’m honest, I don’t know if I’m ready for her. And as for my mother, who chose to leave me—her own daughter, her firstborn—just because she had issues with my father, wherever you are, Momma, I want you to know this: The daughter you abandoned 29 years ago has finally achieved her dreams, even without the love of a father or mother. She is now a great woman in society.

This version emphasizes your strength and resilience while maintaining the emotional depth of your story. It highlights your achievements and the choices you’ve made despite the challenges you faced.

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