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Spiritual Powers

A Reknowned Lusaka City Lawyer Has Finally Disclosed Why He Is Rich




A famous Lusaka city lawyer who has been appearing on Tv interviews every other day has finally opened up about his successful law firm.

The city lawyer who divulged this during an interview with a popular blog, has also been representing big shots in the country.

Speaking to last weekend, the flamboyant learned fellow later said he couldn’t have made it in business if he never went looking for a witchdoctor. He mentioned that after struggling to get clients in his first six years, he was introduced to a professional witchdoctor who never disappoints. He mentioned Dr Mawanda who handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.

That the medicine man has established himself as unbeatable star in re-uniting divorced or separated lovers and also has medicine that can influence landing promotions at work. Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s vast experience allows him spin court cases and cushion homes from spiritual (majin) and physical attacks (theft), treat STIs and control severe menstrual pain. He has medicine to manage cancer, cure high blood pressure, asthma and severe headaches.

Dr Mawanda also does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as obstacles, challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

So in this case the lawyer used Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s magic what he calls business prosperity spells to hit big in law business and he has been representing all politicians in the country. He also appeared in Supreme Court election petition. “I am taking this opportunity to also encourage anyone on this blog having a similar problem to visit Dr Mawanda Shafiq through and you’ll be responded to your case as soon as possible.

Seek appointments anytime through the 24-hour service line. You can choose to text, call or simply drop a WhatsApp.

How to contact the authentic and efficient traditional medicine-man,Doctor Mawanda For Inquiries , Consultations or Examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936
Website: and have all your ailments and your difficulties  puzzled out.

Contact  herbalist  DOCTOR MAWANDA,Get herbs ,spices , remedies and recipes today ,they got alternative holistic medicines that focuses on damaged or dead cells ,which are nolonger fully functional.Compromised cells form the basis of every disease .When you take natural herbal remedies,spices and medicines ,it enters your system and rejuvenates the  old cells , replicates the  health ones , recovers the ill and eliminates the disease.They heal cardiovascular issues,blood pressure, eczema,diabetes, ulcers, tumors, heart disease, TB,eye problems , visual impairment, fibroadenoma,stomach ulcers , dementia, autism & epilepsy,anti-aging,cancers ,HIV /AIDS ,nerve &spine injuries ,back pain ,liver problem, infertility, libido & impotency,and manhood weakness in addition to other ailments.
The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks
such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstandingat office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business.

Dr Mawanda practices physician -sick person discreetness:none of sick person’s folder ,files , documentation not either account(s) shall be distributed to a minor party or pressed to the general community except in any other way ,sick person’s of their acknowledge preference to present with a testimony declaration.
For Inquiries , Consultations or Examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

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My Husband Left Me Because Our Son Was Born With A Serious Skin Infection




My name is Joyce Chipoya and three years ago, I gave birth to my amazing son. Few months after that, I realized that his skin was developing serious wounds which would peel off and re-grow and it was so scary. My husband and I rushed to a hospital so that the doctors could tell us what was wrong.

We paid over K50,000 for the hospital bill but my son was not improving at all. The doctors told us that his condition was so serious that he would die anytime. I cried so hard and begged the doctors to do everything possible to save my little boy. As if the challenges I was facing were not enough, my husband dumped me and said he did not love me or our son and did not want anything to do with us.

I was left to bear the burden alone and I was getting devastated because the hospital bill was growing but my son was getting worse. I called one of my friends and told them the problem that I was facing with my son and my husband giving up on me. She told me she knew of Doctor Mawanda Shafiq who could help heal my son and also get me back my hubby.

I immediately called the doctor through his contacts from his website and he gave me an appointment a day after. I went and he cast a healing spell for my son and also a love spell. The healing spell really helped my son because my son’s wounds mysteriously healed in just two weeks. My husband also called me and begged me to forgive him and take him back. Now my family is complete and I am the happiest woman in the world,what more could I ask for?Truly,I can not thank Doctor Mawanda Shafiq enough.

I advise anyone with a similar problem to visit Dr. Mawanda Shafiq. Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mawanda does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one’s life such as challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

Dr. Mawanda’s spell casting powers work within 24 hours, and usually within the same day they are released. He handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing.He will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

How to contact the authentic traditional Doctor  Papa Mawanda for inquiries , consultations or examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

Dr Mawanda practices physician -sick person discreetness:none of sick person’s folder ,files , documentation not either account(s) shall be distributed to a minor party or pressed to the general community except in any other way ,sick person’s of their acknowledge preference to present with a testimony declaration.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks
such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstandingat office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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Spiritual Powers

South African Woman Discloses How Miserable Her Life Was After Failing To Get Married Before 30




Renowned relationship advisor and therapist Chille Mureyi from Durban,South Africa discloses at the start of her career,she was was urged to present herself in a way to appeal to single women and men in their mid-20s to leave boredom lifestyles and engage in relationships. According to her,this affected how people viewed her standpoint in relationships and to a larger extent of her love life. Maybe this made men assume that perhaps her class and taste in men maybe way too high leading to them fearing to approach her.

She also said opened up on her love life by saying that her relationship expert persona affected how people looked at her. She had hopes of getting married before approaching 25 but when it never happened she felt miserable and had to change her thinking and aspect of viewing marriage.
Men would smash her coochie and run maybe because they taught she was extremely wise in relationships matters and maybe demanded an expensive lifestyle yielded by a man. According to Chille, although she was a tough, no-nonsense and wise relationship advisor and therapist, she wasn’t the same in her real life.

She revealed that off work she was big in relationships and enjoys love despite her relationships not maturing to marriage and uses her work platform to talk and share about toxic relationships some of them based on her past mistakes. The 35-year-old, also disclosed that she had to take mental switch to enjoy her life after feeling miserable after such many years without a single guy proposing to her. She had to quit her job since she felt it was the cause of her miserable celibate life.

She would sit at home and even distract herself from over thinking by reading novels and swimming but nothing even watching TV nor could listening to music prevent her from falling into depression. She owned a huge luxurious house where she lived alone despite having money and fame. One day as he was browsing on social media platforms she came across a post of testimonials confessing and appreciating a certain native doctor from Zambia called Dr Mawanda Shafiq  who had helped them in relationships issues and many other common society problems including finding soul mates by use of his powerful love charms that worked instantly. After she contacted Dr Mawanda, she could boldly confess that her life changed for the better since Dr Mawanda’s Powerful Love Charms worked instantly and weeks later she met the father of her two children Mr. Paul Gwarube,a high ranking government official.

How to contact the authentic traditional Doctor  Papa Mawanda for inquiries , consultations or examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing.He will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

Dr Mawanda practices physician -sick person discreetness:none of sick person’s folder ,files , documentation not either account(s) shall be distributed to a minor party or pressed to the general community except in any other way ,sick person’s of their acknowledge preference to present with a testimony declaration.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks
such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstandingat office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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How I Got Back My Dear Husband After He Left Me For Another Woman




It’s difficult to put into words the transformation my life underwent after visiting Doctor Mawanda Shafiq. My name is Angeline Bwaalya, and what I’m about to share with you is something I once thought only existed in movies or the wildest stories. But it’s real—it happened to me, and I hope that my experience will resonate with someone who might be going through something similar.

A little over two years ago, my life was crumbling. I had been in a loving relationship for over eight years with the man I believed was my soulmate, Trent Mulenga. We had gone through so much together, including financial struggles, family issues, and personal growth, but despite everything, our bond was unbreakable—until it wasn’t.

It started with small signs. He began to pull away emotionally, becoming distant and irritable. His late nights at work turned into even later nights out with friends. He was always glued to his phone, and when I asked him what was wrong, he brushed me off, assuring me it was just stress from work. I wanted to believe him, but deep down, I knew something wasn’t right. My worst fears were confirmed when I discovered that Trent had been seeing another woman. I was devastated. The love of my life, the man I had planned a future with, was slipping away right before my eyes.

I confronted him, expecting him to apologize, to come back to me, but instead, he told me that he had fallen out of love with me. He said it wasn’t about the other woman—it was about him needing “something different” in his life. Those words pierced my heart like a thousand daggers. I couldn’t believe it. After everything we had been through, how could he just walk away?

For weeks, I was a wreck. I couldn’t eat, couldn’t sleep, and I felt like my world had collapsed. I spent countless nights crying, replaying every moment we shared, wondering what I could have done differently. The hardest part was knowing that he had moved on so easily, while I was stuck in a pit of despair.

One day, while scrolling aimlessly through social media, I came across a post that caught my attention. It was a testimonial from a woman who claimed to have won her ex-husband back using love spells from a traditional spell caster,Dr Mawanda Shafiq At first, I was skeptical. It seemed too far-fetched to be true. I mean, spells? In this day and age? But as I read her story, something inside me stirred. She had been in a situation eerily similar to mine—her husband had left her for another woman, and she had felt just as hopeless as I did. Yet, after visiting Doctor Mawanda, her life had turned around.

I thought about it for days, debating with myself whether or not I should try it. Part of me was desperate for any solution, no matter how unbelievable it seemed, while another part of me was afraid of being scammed or disappointed. Eventually, my desperation won. I decided to reach out to Doctor Mawanda Shafiq. After all, what did I have to lose?

I contacted the traditional doctor, and the process was much simpler than I expected. I explained my situation to them—how Trent had left me for another woman and how I felt like my heart was shattered. The humble man  listened patiently and assured me that he could help.I was told about the **Love Spell**, which is designed to bring back lost lovers and rekindle the flame in relationships. Hearing this, I felt a glimmer of hope. For the first time in months, I believed there might be a chance to save my relationship.

Dr Mawanda Shafiq instructed me to follow specific guidelines and rituals for the spell to be effective. I won’t go into too many details, but I can tell you that the process was easy to follow and didn’t require anything outrageous. They also provided me with a charm to keep with me at all times, assuring me that it would help to enhance the power of the spell.

After the ritual was completed, I was told to be patient—that changes wouldn’t happen overnight, but I should start to notice shifts in Trent’s attitude and behaviors. I walked away from that encounter feeling a strange mix of doubt and hope. I didn’t expect miracles, but part of me was hopeful that something would happen. Behold, it did.

Within two weeks, I noticed a significant change in Trent. He started calling me, at first to “check in” and see how I was doing. At first, I brushed it off as guilt, but then he started showing up at my house, asking if we could talk. He told me he missed me, that he realized the mistake he had made, and that his new relationship wasn’t what he had thought it would be. It was as if he had woken up from a dream and suddenly remembered all the good times we had shared.

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. This was the man who, just a few weeks ago, told me he didn’t love me anymore. Now, he was telling me that he couldn’t imagine his life without me. He begged for my forgiveness and asked if we could start over. I was shocked, but deep down, I knew that this was what I had been praying for.

We took things slowly at first, but it wasn’t long before we were back to being the couple we once were. In fact, we were stronger than ever. The connection we had was deeper, more meaningful, and we were both committed to making it work. Trent apologized profusely for the pain he had caused me, and over time, I was able to forgive him.

Today, we’re engaged to be married, something I never thought would happen after everything we went through. I owe it all to Doctor Mawanda Shafiq’s incredible Love Spell. If you had told me two years ago that a spell could save my relationship, I wouldn’t have believed you. But now, I’m living proof that it works.

I’m sharing my story because I know how painful it is to lose someone you love, and I want others to know that there is hope. Whether it’s a relationship, financial struggle, or any other challenge, Dr Mawanda Shafiq has the power to turn things around. I never thought I would be someone who believed in spells, but after experiencing the results firsthand, I can confidently say that Doctor Mawanda Shafiq changed my life. If you’re feeling lost or hopeless, don’t hesitate to reach out to the medicine-man—you might just find the solution you’ve been searching for.

You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda Shafiq’s greatest attribute is distance healing.He will work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

How to contact the authentic traditional Doctor  Papa Mawanda for inquiries , consultations or examinations
SMS /Call /Whatsapp: +260767053936

Dr Mawanda practices physician -sick person discreetness:none of sick person’s folder ,files , documentation not either account(s) shall be distributed to a minor party or pressed to the general community except in any other way ,sick person’s of their acknowledge preference to present with a testimony declaration.

The top most  expert African traditional doctor furthermore disentangles individual’s difficult tasks
such as finding new love ,bring back lost lover , troubled relationships ,control cheater lovers , pregnancy problems,love issues, family problems, hardships in business,to be liked at work , attract customers,stop smoking/alcohol,pass exams & interviews ,finish unfinished jobs by other doctors or healers,dark sicknesses,can’t see periods,swollen bodies,increases your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work ,bad luck ,win elections ,bewitched people,misunderstandingat office or work,dream interpretation,fix witchcraft or remove charms to  protect homes,farms,cars &shops, marriage & divorce,win tenders ,church growth, chieftaincy wrangles ,quick pension,quick selling & buying of properties,land disputes , political wrangles, miscarriage problems , kidney infections,blocked tubes and  boosting business

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