They were initially designed to become a legion of unclean spirits but due to chemical imbalances and unexpected natural genetic changes in their chromosomes, they ultimately...
In Nigerian woman has taken to have Twitter page to express how happy she is seeing the court officially ending a marriage that has nearly caused...
Few months into my marriage, I got pregnant but I lost the baby…This kept happening to every pregnancy I had for 7 good times. The 8th...
” My father passed on after I got admission into the university leaving me, my brother and my mom to fend for ourselves. We were literally...
“I’m 38 years old and I got married when I was 25. I’ve always been a decent human and an introvert. My social life is nothing...
A home filled with peace and unity was what I craved for as a young lady. I got married to my husband at a very young...
My husband died few months after we got married, I had gotten pregnant already, I was 7months gone at the time of his death. It was...
Ooni and Olori Tobiloba has welcomed a set of twins babies. According to confirmation from Ooni and Olori Tobiloba Twitter page, it rains to God be...
A Nigerian lady has took to her Facebook page to narrator all day long how a doll she bought for her daughter turns to a nightmare...
A lady has lament as landlord destroys concrete staircase lady to their apartment allegially over rent issues. The incident is reported to occur in Ghana between...
A woman has called out her husband side chick for allegedly giving her acid instead of organic product for her face. According to a video shared...