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How This Married Man Deceived Me to Marry Him, Today I’m Suffering




Today, I bring to light the story of a young woman, an orphan, who was deceived and exploited by a married man who promised her the world but delivered only pain.

Two years ago, after losing her mother, our protagonist had to drop out of school due to financial constraints. With no support from her uncles, she decided to start a small food business. It was here that she met Damian, a married man who frequently bought food from her. They became close, and she confided in him about her struggles and dreams of completing her education.

Despite knowing Damian was married, she began an affair with him, driven by the promise of financial support and a better future. Damian took care of her, renting and furnishing an apartment, buying her expensive clothes, the latest iPhone, and showering her with gifts. She became one of the “big girls” on campus, ignoring young, single men and dating only wealthy individuals. However, none treated her as well as Damian, and she fell in love with him.

After completing her education, Damian proposed to her, asking her to be his second wife. Initially, she refused, hoping he would divorce his wife as he had once claimed to love her more. Eventually, he convinced her to undergo a traditional marriage ceremony, promising to initiate divorce proceedings that would take only a few months. She was pregnant at the time and moved to live with his mother in the village.

Almost two years later, with another child on the way, the divorce papers are still not ready. Damian has continued to string her along with excuses, refusing to let her move in with him. When she attempted to visit his home, she was thrown out by his wife and sister-in-law. Damian has since ignored her pleas for settlement and compensation.

This young woman, now at her wit’s end, is reaching out to expose Damian for his deceit and selfishness. She wants the world to know how he tricked her into a false marriage, exploited her vulnerability, and abandoned her and their child. All she seeks now is justice and a chance to move on with her life.

To Damian, if you ever read this, know that your actions have caused immense pain and suffering. It’s time to take responsibility and provide the compensation she deserves so she can rebuild her life.

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I sold my husband’s house and relocated to the USA!




My name is Bunmi, I am 31, married, with 3 lovely kids, 2 boys and a girl. I Work in a bank, as a customer care agent. The pay is not much, but it’s better than doing nothing. My husband is a very rich man, that provides all I need, and takes good care of our kids, I don’t spend a dime from my salary, except when I just want to be extra. He is 36, from Anambra state, while I am from Lagos state. He is what every woman would call a very good husband. He opened an account, where he puts money into, more than once every month, for the kids and I.
If you’ve read to this point, I know you will be wondering why I sold his house without his consent and ran off with our kids to the United states, if he’s this good and more. Alright, let’s get to the story. Here’s what happened!
I met my husband when I was in university of Lagos, we dated for 11 months before getting married. It wasn’t really easy, being that I am a yoruba lady, while he is igbo, his people tried all they could to make him not marry me, but he insisted. My family had no issues at all, they welcomed him like he was their own. I was in my 3rd year, while he had just finished youth service, when we got married. He comes from a very wealthy and connected family, it wasn’t difficult for him to get a well paying job, as a tech guy in an oil company. Two years into the marriage, same year our first son was born, he built the house we lived in, the one I sold. It was an 8 bedroom duplex, all rooms ensuite, with swimming pool, gym station, mini farm and playground, for the kids.
We were doing so well, no case of infidelity or serious problems in our marriage. When I was pregnant for our second child, he got a way bigger job in the U.K. At first, he didn’t want to go, but I persuaded him, I really wanted my kids to go to school abroad, and the perfect opportunity presented itself. I encouraged him to take the offer, because, I thought he would take his family along, so that I will deliver my baby there. Unfortunately, my sister misplaced my international passport, so I hadn’t the time to file a report and do something about it, before it was time for his visa to be processed.
He left when I was 7 months pregnant. We agreed that I will go ahead and deliver my baby in Lagos, after which I will sort out my passport and apply for family visa, for us to join him there. This was 8 years ago. By the time my baby was 6 months old, I told him I was ready for the visa, my passport was sorted, but he convinced me to hold on, that he wasn’t properly settled and ready yet, for us to join him. Thing is, I never doubted my husband, not for once, I had absolutely no reason to doubt him. So, whenever he told me to hold on and be patient, I always indulged him.
I decided to stop bringing up the matter, after he had stayed there for more than a year, and I got a job to keep myself occupied. His cousin was living with me, including my house-help, it wasn’t a problem leaving my kids with them and going to work, every day. He also supported it. 2 years after he left, he came back and stayed for 6 weeks. There was still no reason to suspect or question his decisions. He gave us maximum attention, was a hands-on dad and husband, even followed me to the salon, at some point, something he hadn’t done before.
I was so happy and feeling on top of the world, it was as if his 2 years in the U.K. increased his love for me. He was always reaching out to me while I was at work, asking how my day was going, sending me seggsy voice notes and endearing messages, he couldn’t get his hands off me.
The night before he went back to the U.K,  I brought up the topic of joining him over there, he subtly turned it down, with reasons that made sense to me, at that time, or so I thought. He said he was saving up to buy us a house there, that he doesn’t want us to live in a rented apartment with him, when we had a massive house in Lagos. I nodded in acceptance, without questions.
Few weeks after he left, I found out I was pregnant for my 3rd child, which turned out to be a girl. The communication was very good, I wasn’t calling or writing him much, because he was always calling and writing me, all I did was reply him and pick the calls. We spoke every day, morning and night, then messages inbetween. Another 2 years had gone, before we saw him again. Nothing changed, it was same treatment from him, as the last time he came back.
It was on that trip he bought me a new car and 4 plots of land, as my birthday gifts. My friends and my colleagues were envious of me, they were praying to meet a man like my husband, I felt like a true queen.
Once in a while, I expressed my desire to live with him, distant marriage wasn’t what I signed up for. I wanted to live with him so badly, getting visas for us wasn’t going to be a problem, we had all our credentials that was guaranteed. I wanted him to be a part of our kids lives, spend Christmas with us. Since he moved to the U.K, he has never been around for Christmas, the first time he came back was mid year, same as the second time. He said it was difficult to leave during Christmas period, that he works a lot during that period. He assured me he was working out something, so that we will finally follow him to the U.K. I completely believed him.

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I’m 21 years old. My dad abandoned me, but he suddenly showed up two months ago. I only found out about him when I was 10, But right now I’m having sexual urge for him




“I’m 21 years old. My dad abandoned me, but he suddenly showed up two months ago. I only found out about him when I was 10. He used to work for my grandparents as a house help when he was 16. My mom was 19 then. They had an affair, and she got pregnant with me.

My grandparents took my mom to Ghana while she was pregnant. Now, 21 years later, my mom decided to relocate, and that’s how she and my dad reunited. I was amazed to see my dad for the first time. He’s young and handsome. But after a while, things changed. I realized I don’t feel that father-daughter bond between us. To be honest, I’m sexually attracted to my dad. I’ve been in relationships before, but I’ve never felt this way. I’m currently in my third relationship, but I’m losing interest in my boyfriend.

Sometimes, I unknowingly flirt with my dad. I think he might feel the same way, but he doesn’t say anything. Lately, I’ve been jealous of my mom, especially when they’re intimate. I listen or peek through the door. I feel like if I could just be with him once, I’ll stop having this urge. We’ve been separated for a long time, and we don’t share a bond. My mom traveled back to Ghana two days ago and will be back in two weeks. I’m left alone with my dad, and the temptation is strong.

Please, is there something I can do to stop this urge? I’m really trying.”

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Roman Catholic Reverend Father Michael Ogochukwu Ezeh and Reverend Sister Claire Chioma O. Set to Tie the Knot




The path of love is often unpredictable, leading people to unexpected places, and it seems to have done just that for Reverend Father Michael Ogochukwu Ezeh and Reverend Sister Claire Chioma O. The couple, who have found a deep connection in each other, are now preparing to celebrate their love through the holy sacrament of marriage. The event is scheduled to take place on the 26th of October, 2024, at St. Phillip Catholic Church, Port Harcourt, where they will exchange vows and embark on this new chapter of their lives together.

Reverend Father Michael, hailing from Enugu State, and Reverend Sister Claire, originally from Afikpo North in Ebonyi State, come from strong Catholic backgrounds. Their lives, dedicated to the service of the Church, saw them traverse the paths of religious devotion, spirituality, and community service, until eventually finding love in each other. Their decision to step into matrimony, having both embraced celibacy at different points, comes as a unique and bold testament to the beautiful surprises life can offer.

The journey of transitioning from religious service to a committed marital relationship is indeed an extraordinary one for Father Michael and Sister Claire. Traditionally, members of the Catholic clergy adhere to vows of celibacy and service. Yet, some, having deeply discerned their calling, may find themselves choosing the path of marriage, feeling that their love for one another is in alignment with God’s purpose for their lives.

Their decision serves as a poignant reminder that love knows no boundaries. It is a beautiful demonstration that one’s commitment to God and spirituality does not necessarily end with the choice to share life with another person. Instead, it could signify a new form of serving God—through the sacred union of marriage.

The wedding ceremony at St. Phillip Catholic Church in Port Harcourt promises to be a significant event. With the blessing of family, friends, and the church community, Father Michael and Sister Claire’s union will be celebrated in a traditional Catholic mass, officiated by church leaders who support their decision to marry. The couple has extended invitations to fellow clergy members, friends, and well-wishers, asking for prayers and blessings as they prepare for this sacred moment.

The event will undoubtedly attract attention, not just within the local Catholic community but also across Nigeria. Their journey serves as an inspiration to many, showcasing that love and faith can indeed walk hand-in-hand, and that every love story is unique in its path to fulfillment.

Reverend Father Michael and Reverend Sister Claire’s story is a testament to the power of love. Their courage in choosing to follow their hearts, even if it means taking an unconventional path, reminds us all that love is indeed a beautiful and transformative force. It has the power to transcend expectations, societal norms, and even religious traditions when it aligns with one’s understanding of divine purpose.

As the couple gets ready to walk down the aisle, we extend our heartfelt congratulations and wish them a lifetime of happiness, love, and shared faith. May their journey together continue to inspire others to embrace love in all its forms.

Let’s raise a toast to the soon-to-be newlyweds and celebrate their beautiful union! Congratulations to Father Michael and Sister Claire, as they embark on this blessed and exciting journey together.

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