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Residents of Woodlands in Lusaka were on Tuesday treated to a rare spectacle when a 40-year-old man was found stuck while getting intimate with his friend’s wife at a lodging in the municipality.

The father of three had left his home in Kabwe, Central Province on Friday evening supposedly to attend a meeting with his workmates but this never turned out to be the case.

Peter Banda ended up in a Woodlands love nest with his friend’s wife (Banda and the woman in question work together in Lusaka). It was a shame.

According to eyewitnesses, the two spent the whole day at a popular drinking joint where they wined and dined on expensive meals.

“I had seen the two at the pub since midday. They were seated at the far end corner of the pub enjoying themselves,” he said.

It is reported that the duo later sneaked into the lodging where after some time things turned traumatic after opening the cookie jar.

One of the bartenders at the pub said that while he was at the counter, he heard cries from one of the lodgings and this prompted him to respond immediately.

“The door was closed, the screams got louder. We broke the door only to find that it was our customers who were locked in bed. They were making love. We didn’t know where to start. They claimed that they could not separate. They said every attempt to disengage was very painful,” the waiter said.

A neighbour to Banda who was among eyewitnesses said that he was surprised to find Banda with his friend’s wife in such an act.

“I know Banda has his own wife. I can not believe that he is now sleeping with our friend’s wife,” he said.

He said that he believes in the principle that friends should be protecting their colleague’s spouses and not be the ones helping them to cheat.

It is reported that the two love birds, wrapped in bedsheets, were later on separated by renowned herbalist Dr. Mawanda Shafiq shortly after he was contacted.

Banda’s wife revealed that she had sought Dr.Mawanda’s services to protect her marriage and net her husband whenever he tried to cheat on her.
How to contact Mawanda Shafiq

Mobile number: +260779652913

Whatsapp number: +260779652913
He is located in Chiengi Town, Luapula Pronvince Zambia.
Doctor Mawanda, for instance, say one of his greatest attributes is distance healing. He will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

He heals pressure, diabetes ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things. The doctor also solves life challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, which is winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams. For consultations,contact Mawanda Shafiq

Mobile number: +260779652913

Whatsapp number: +260779652913

He is located in Chiengi Town, Luapula Pronvince Zambia.

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Spiritual Powers

How Prophet Victor Helped My Brother in Dubai To Be Free From Accusation and Detention




Hello, my name is Nkechi Abara from Ahiazu Mbaise, Imo State, Nigeria. I want to share my powerful testimony about how Prophet Victor’s spiritual intervention saved my brother from a dire situation in Dubai.

In early 2023, my brother traveled to Dubai for business. Everything seemed to be going well until one day, I received a call from him saying he had been falsely accused of a crime and was at risk of being apprehended by the authorities. We were all in shock and didn’t know what to do.

Desperate for help, I remembered Prophet Victor, who had helped me with personal issues in the past. I contacted him immediately and explained the situation. Prophet Victor listened carefully and, after a moment of contemplation, he told me that my brother would be apprehended within five days.

True to his word, my brother was detained by the authorities in Dubai just five days later. Our family was devastated, but Prophet Victor assured us that he could help. He asked me to gather specific items for a spiritual work: a pigeon and an earthen pot. Given my urgent need, Prophet Victor helped source these items, and I paid for them.

He performed a powerful spiritual ritual using the pigeon and the earthen pot. He assured us that the work he had done would result in my brother’s release without judgment. Prophet Victor’s confidence gave us hope in the darkest of times.

Amazingly, within a few days of the ritual, my brother was released from detention without any charges or judgment against him. The authorities found no evidence to support the accusations, and he was free to continue his business in Dubai. Our family was overjoyed and incredibly grateful for Prophet Victor’s intervention.

Why I Recommend Prophet Victor

Prophet Victor is a gifted spiritual healer whose interventions can address a wide range of issues. Here are some of the areas he specializes in:

Crowd Puller: Attract large gatherings and build a strong following.
Land Issues: Resolve disputes and gain favor in land-related matters.
Travel and Visa Issues: Smooth the path for travel and visa approvals.
Marriage Issues: Heal and strengthen marital relationships.
Love Me Forever: Ensure enduring love and commitment in relationships.
Do As I Say: Influence situations and people to align with your desires.
Breaking of Family Curses: Liberate yourself and your family from generational curses.
Favor and Luck Attraction: Draw in positive energy and good fortune.
Market Booming Oil: Boost your business and ensure commercial success.

Prophet Victor is also highly effective in dealing with all kinds of infections. His spiritual interventions and herbal remedies have been known to provide relief and healing for various ailments.

Contact Prophet Victor

Phone: 08148076597
– WhatsApp:

If you are facing challenges, whether it is legal issues, dealing with infections, or any other problem, I strongly recommend reaching out to Prophet Victor. His powerful spiritual guidance can bring about the change you need.

Thank you, Prophet Victor, for your incredible help and for saving my brother.

Nkechi Abara

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Spiritual Powers

This Is Why You Should Be Careful And Selective Whom You Invite To Your Marriage Life



“Me and my beloved husband lived together in Choma, Southern Province of Zambia.Fortunately,I happened to find a favorable job that I thought that my best friend, Elizabeth could do.Naturally,the best way she could have done the job was to come at my place stay for a while before moving to her own house after a few months pay.

Three days later we welcomed Elizabeth,my bestie at our home. My husband warmly welcomed her because I had previously informed him that she was to stay in our house for a period of a month or so before things would work out well on her side.In the beginning,our co-existence was so joyous.We lived happily to the extent that people assumed she was my blood sister since we had really bonded and happened to understand each other so well.

As weeks went by,my husband had started to show much love to Elizabeth in that, he could at some point buy her clothes and other materialistic things which he rarely bought for me.Indeed I was skeptical so I did not hesitate to ask him why he had really changed in his affections and he always found means of downplaying the story by reassuring me that everything is just all well.What made me more analytical of my husband was when he seized my conjugal rights.

Each time I questioned his behavior of showing explicit affection to my bestie, Elizabeth, he would roar and say he was just exhibiting his human kindness to her and nothing more was between him and her at any particular time.The truth can’t be hidden forever,so with time,i came to realize they were really chatting on phone as one day I bashed my husband sending her love messages and nudes.Honestly speaking I was downhearted and really hurt by this unthoughtful behavior.I was thinking of the most polite way to kick her out of my home,but she had infiltrated deep in our relationship that I was even scared to kick her out.Luckily,one day Elizabeth said she wanted to go back to her home for two days to do something important. I realised later on that when she left,at least three under pants of my husband were missing because I knew them all.That’s when it dawned in my mind that she had gone to do some witchcraft deeds with them.

Before even Elizabeth had returned, my husband had really changed. He even went to the point of calling Elizabeth his wife and forgot everything about myself and all he did was inquire about her return to our home.

After a while I started finding strange things like white chicken feathers under our mattress. Each time I asked my husband of it he would dismiss such claims as he would even threaten to cane me up. After three weeks my husband chased me out of my marriage ready to move on with his new catch Elizabeth,by best friend! I was so hurt and now desperately single again. I tried to talk to his parents and relatives to at least speak to him but everything was in vain as he had already made his mind he had moved on with Elizabeth. I was really depressed since each moment I thought of moving on to a new relationship keeping in mind how I really loved my husband I almost committed suicide.

Everything was not adding up. There was no way a friend would come and deprive what truly belonged to me and turn it to be hers.I had to put at least a fight. I was really going to revenge but what kind of revenge could I carryout?There was really no one to guide me through those despair moments. Life was just not fair at all. As I was at my mum’s house, I came across an advertisement of a reknowned traditional medicine-man and Spell Caster by name of Doctor Kennedy Kaunda based Kabulonga,not so very far away from where I stayed.According to the article,this man had a good reputation of solving people’s problems both physical and spiritual. Several testimonials were enough to convince me to book an appointment with this mysterious yet famed miracle man. The next day I visited his office in Kabulonga and was attended to within few minutes.

Three days after visiting and doing some spiritual work, I received a phone call. It was Elizabeth who sounded remorseful,she honestly said sorry and that she wanted us to meet and solve our differences. The next day we met,me together with my husband where we came to conclusions of Elizabeth immediately vacating our home and my husband pledged his love, commitment and loyalty back to me.It was authentic.This Kabulonga expert’s magic had really worked in ways I could never imagined.
Since then,our marriage has been a success as power of witchcraft had been cleansed way by Dr Kennedy Kaunda.

Are you facing challenges in your life that you just can’t seem to overcome? Do you feel like you’re trapped in a cycle of negativity and despair? Look no further than the reknowned Grand Traditional Healer  Dr Kennedy Kaunda +260750430309(Mobile and WhatsApp)to guide you towards a life of abundance, happiness, and fulfillment through traditional healing added benefits that comes with its practices and norms.

With years of experience and a deep understanding of traditional healing practices, the Grand Papa offers unparalleled expertise in handling a wide range of issues. Whether you’re plagued by difficulties, struggling with relationship problems, or in need of spiritual guidance, his compassionate and effective healing methods are here to assist you for more details about successful stories got to the testimonies page.

The Grand Papa Traditional Healer Dr Kennedy Kaunda believes in the power of ancient wisdom to bring about positive transformation in people’s lives. Drawing upon traditional African healing practices, he can help restore harmony and balance within your life, enabling you to overcome obstacles and achieve your goals that can bring inner peace and comfort as well, you can still be your best if you try.

His reputation for achieving remarkable results has earned him respect and admiration from clients all over the world. Many have experienced miraculous healings, breakthroughs in their careers, restored relationships, and renewed hope after seeking his assistance. Through powerful rituals, spiritual cleansing, and personalized advice, the Grand Papa Kennedy Kaunda is dedicated to helping individuals manifest their deepest desires and live their best lives.

Get rid of chronic ailments such as warts , kidney failure,stroke,elephantiasis, dermatopathy,renal failure, total impotence, rheumatism, incurable wound, hepatitis a/b/c,stroke, menstrual pain, prostate infections , premature ejaculation,low sperm count,barren woman ,big bottoms ,spilt feet ,hernia asthma , typhoid , ovarian cyst,true man’s size, absence of ovulation, fibroids,(multiple& single), pelvic pains,fungal,ulcers ,high cholesterol , hormonal imbalance and sugar diabetes.

Contact the Grand  Traditional Healer Dr Kennedy Kaunda today and embark on a journey of healing and transformation. With his wisdom, experience, and compassionate approach, he will empower you to overcome obstacles, embrace abundance, and live a life of joy and fulfillment.
Dr Kennedy Kaunda +260750430309(Mobile And WhatsApp)

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Spiritual Powers

My Cheating Wife Abandoned Me With Two Children Whom I Just Realized They Aren’t Mine.”Zambian Engineer



A few months ago, my world was turned upside down when news of my wife’s infidelity spread like wildfire across social media. The betrayal and humiliation were almost unbearable, and I couldn’t fathom continuing in a marriage built on deceit. I knew that I had to end the relationship, but my wife adamantly refused a divorce, hoping that I would continue to provide for her and our two children.

As a man who values integrity and honesty, I was torn between upholding my values and protecting my family. I did not want to subject our children to the distress of a public divorce battle, so I felt trapped and desperate for a solution.

In my moment of despair, a friend mentioned Dr. Mawanda Shafiq, a reknowned traditional medicine-man and spell caster with extraordinary powers. With skepticism, yet a glimmer of hope, I decided to reach out to him. Dr Mawanda Shafiq,quite an elderly man yet very strong, listened patiently to my situation and assured me that he could help find a resolution.

Using his mystical abilities, Dr. Mawanda Shafiq performed a powerful spell that would reveal the truth behind my children’s parentage. A few months later, I took my children to the hospital for a routine medical check-up, and the doctor suggested a paternity test.

Though hesitant, I consented to the test, hoping it would provide some clarity. To my shock, the results came back, revealing that the children were not biologically mine. It was a devastating revelation, but it also gave me the legitimate reason and total conviction i needed to pursue a divorce.

Armed with the undeniable truth, I confronted my wife, and she could no longer deny the reality of her infidelity. With the evidence at hand, the divorce process proceeded more smoothly, sparing our children from the public scrutiny I had dreaded.

I am deeply grateful to Dr. Mawanda for his compassion, wisdom, and otherworldly abilities. He not only helped me find the strength to face the truth but also provided a path for me to move forward and reclaim my life. His powers are beyond comprehension, and I will forever be indebted to him for restoring my peace of mind and giving me the courage to start afresh.

I am now on the journey to healing and rebuilding my life, knowing that the truth has set me free. Dr. Mawanda Shafiq’s powers have profoundly impacted my life, and I wholeheartedly recommend his services to anyone facing difficult or challenging situations. May his powers continue to bring hope and transformation to those in need.

Do not be limited by location. You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing.Dr Mawanda’s greatest attribute is distance healing:
“This is when he helps people who are not physically present . It does not matter where you are,he can assist you successfully.”

Do you have problems on your mind?
Dr Mawanda Shafiq can work together with you, but detachment is the key to success during this healing process. You must be in a quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your bodies must connect without any interference.
To book an appointment or for more information and Inquiry,sms, Whatsapp  or call Dr. Mawanda on

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