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Are you an African planning to visit Canada? Well, before you start packing your bags, there’s something you should know. Canada has been known to refuse visa applications from certain African countries. This has left many wondering why. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind Canada’s decision to refuse visas to some Africans.
The Canadian government has a comprehensive visa application process that takes into account various factors to determine eligibility. These factors include an individual’s purpose of travel, financial stability, ties to their home country, and previous travel history. The objective is to ensure that those granted visas have genuine intentions of visiting Canada and will adhere to the terms of their stay.

When applying for a visa, applicants are required to provide supporting documents such as bank statements, employment letters, invitation letters, and travel itineraries. These documents help the Canadian authorities assess an applicant’s credibility and ability to finance their trip. It’s essential to provide accurate and complete documentation to increase the chances of a successful visa application.

Understanding Visa Refusal:
Common Reasons When it comes to visa applications, there are several common reasons why Canada may refuse visas to applicants from certain African countries. While each case is unique and decisions are made on an individual basis, understanding these common reasons can provide some insight into the visa refusal process.

Lack of Documentation:
Required Documents for Visa Applications One of the primary reasons for visa refusal is a lack of proper documentation. When applying for a Canadian visa, applicants are required to submit various documents to support their application. These documents typically include a valid passport, proof of travel insurance, financial statements, and invitation letters, among others. Failure to provide the necessary documents or submitting incomplete or fraudulent information can result in visa refusal.

Insufficient Financial Resources:
Demonstrating Financial Stability. Another important factor in visa applications is demonstrating sufficient financial resources. Canada wants to ensure that applicants have enough funds to support themselves during their stay and that they will not become a burden on the Canadian government or its citizens. Applicants must provide evidence of their financial stability, such as bank statements, employment letters, and proof of assets, to show that they can afford their travel and stay in Canada.

Inadequate Travel History: Building a Strong Travel History
A lack of travel history can also be a reason for visa refusal. Canada wants to see that applicants have a legitimate reason for visiting the country and that they have a history of complying with visa regulations. A strong travel history, with previous visits to countries with similar immigration policies, can increase the chances of a successful visa application. Without a solid travel history, applicants may be seen as a higher risk for overstaying their visa or attempting to immigrate illegally.

Insufficient Ties to Home Country: Proving Strong Ties to the Home Country
One of the key considerations in visa applications is the applicant’s ties to their home country. Canada wants to ensure that applicants have strong reasons to return to their home country after their visit. These ties can include family, employment, property ownership, and community involvement. Applicants must provide evidence of their strong ties to their home country to demonstrate their intention to return once their visa expires.

Misrepresentation: Providing Accurate and Truthful Information
Misrepresentation in visa applications is taken very seriously by the Canadian government. Providing false information or withholding relevant details can result in immediate visa refusal and potential bans from future applications. It is crucial for applicants to provide accurate and truthful information throughout the application process to avoid any complications or visa refusals.

Overcoming Visa Refusal: Steps to Take After a Visa Refusal
Receiving a visa refusal can be disheartening, but it’s important to remember that it is not the end of the road. There are steps that can be taken to overcome a visa refusal and increase the chances of a successful application in the future.

Seeking Professional Assistance: Hiring an Immigration Consultant
One of the first steps to take after a visa refusal is to seek professional assistance. Hiring an immigration consultant who specializes in Canadian visa applications can provide valuable guidance and support. These professionals have in-depth knowledge of the immigration system and can help identify any weaknesses in the previous application and provide strategies for improvement. They can also assist in gathering the necessary documentation and preparing a stronger application.

In summary, understanding the reasons behind Canada’s refusal of visas to some Africans is crucial for a better understanding of the country’s immigration policies. While Canada is known for being welcoming to immigrants, the decision to refuse visas is based on various factors such as lack of documentation, insufficient financial resources, inadequate travel history, insufficient ties to the home country, and misrepresentation. However, a visa refusal is not the end of the road. By seeking professional assistance and taking the necessary steps to address the reasons for refusal, applicants can work towards a successful visa application in the future.


Orthodox Christianity: A Rich Tapestry of History, Faith, and Cultural Intersections – Reno Omokri



This is my daughter, Ebele, at church today. Notice that she is covered from head to toe. What she has on her head is a Netela. What Muslims call a Hijab. This is how Orthodox Christian women have attended religious service for two thousand years. It is an abomination to them for a woman to enter the Temple without covering her hair. And it is supported by the early Christians in 1 Corinthians 11:5.

If you take the pure and undefiled practices of Orthodox Christianity and compare them to the Christendom that came from Europe, you will have little similarities. Orthodox Christianity has more in common with Islam than with European Christendom, whether it be Catholicism, Anglicanism, Methodism or any other isms.

As a matter of fact, Islam as a religion thrived because the Abyssinian Orthodox Christians gave the very first Muslims asylum when the Quraysh of Mecca wanted to kill them. Abyssinia, or Habesha, is the old name for Ethiopia.

It may surprise you that for centuries, Ethiopia or Abyssinia was the dominant world superpower. They militarily protected Israel. You see that in 2 Kings 19:9. Also, the kings of Israel customarily had a spiritual counsellor from Ethiopia. You see that in Jeremiah 38:7. It was the Ethiopian adviser to King Zedekiah, named Ebed Melech (an Ethiopian name used till today) that saved Jeremiah from death.

Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) nurse and nanny, Umm Ayman, was an Ethiopian. She was present on the day the prophet of Islam was born and on the day he died. She was one of the first converts to Islam.

Ruqayyah, the daughter of prophet Muhammad (SAW), lived in Ethiopia for ten years with her husband, Uthman, the third Caliph of Islam.

Some ask me why I use the honorific when referring to the prophet of Islam. To me, that question is moot. I am not a Muslim. However, it is not a sin in the sight of God or man to wish good for anybody, living or dead. As long as Muslims honour my faith, I will honour theirs. And we can agree to disagree without being disagreeable with each other.

My guide is Romans 12:18:

“As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

Men and women enter an Orthodox Church from different entrances and do not mingle within the building. They sit in separate places. And they do not set aside Sundays for worship services. Every day is a service day.

Before you argue, they have the world’s oldest complete and illustrated New Testament. If you take your King James Version or any other European version and look at the footnotes, when they have interpretation issues, they will resolve it by saying, ‘The Ethiopic Scriptures say…’ The oldest complete and illustrated Christian Scriptures on Earth are the Garima Gospels. Look it up. If this is false, I vow to pay the first person to disprove me $10,000.

There were likely books older than the Garima Gospels, but the Italians destroyed probably a million books and killed over ten thousand Orthodox priests when they invaded Ethiopia in 1935. So, we may never know.

Orthodox Christianity frowns on prosperity teachings and instead teaches contentment. If you want to use money to win an Orthodox Christian girl, you are wasting your time. They do not place the same value on materialistic things as you do. But if you are prepared to follow their faith genuinely, they can marry you, even if you are a pauper.

Their faith guides them in everything. How, when, and what to eat. How, when and where to do even quotidian things such as going to the toilet. They may not fight you for economic reasons, but they are willing to fight and die for religion. Their faith is the foundation and zenith of their lives. All other things are downhill.

And whereas Christendom came from Europe to Africa, Orthodox Christianity started from Ethiopia and Armenia and spread to Europe. A Russian and Greek Orthodox person is actually closer to Ethiopia than to their fellow Europeans. That is why Ethiopia is the only African country never to be colonised. Because when Christendom Europe invaded them, Orthodox Europe supported them with weapons, money and soldiers.

Reno Omokri

Gospeller. Deep Thinker. #TableShaker. Ruffler of the Feathers of Obidents. #1 Bestselling author of Facts Versus Fiction: The True Story of the Jonathan Years. Hodophile. Hollywood Magazine Humanitarian of the Year, 2019. Business Insider Influencer of the Year 2022.

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Malawi:Security Guard Who Rised To Become A Multi-Million Entrepreneur Shares His Journey To Prosperity



Nothing speaks more than the entrepreneurship fire that burned in the man who referred to himself as a former charcoal burner than the size of the business empire he has put up.
Japheth who began his business life a humble man selling and distributing charcoal has accumulated wealth that runs into millions.

A few years back, Mr. Japheth was employed at the Provincial Government as a security guard and he worked extremely hard to purchase a piece of land.He planted trees and prepared for a happy afterlife.

Mr. Japheth’s moment came to a halt after he later learned that he had been retrenched from his security job after his workmates learned of his success plan.

“I had no home to run to and no job to help me meet basic needs. the savings I had set aside quickly diminished.” Mr.Japheth said.
Several years of self-denial and untold suffering, he said that he was faced with the realities of life but said he sobered up and dusted himself once again and moved forward.

“I had friends. I went back to them and told them what I was going through. They referred me to a Zambian based miracle-man by the name Dr. Mawanda Shafiq.” he said.

After weeks of consultations with Mawanda Shafiq, he said his sober thinking was restored and started a charcoal business which has seen him propel into a millionaire.

Mr. Japheth who has ventured into real estate business and  is also in the transport sector. He said he had managed to do what most highly paid employees only dream about.

Attention:To book an appointment or for more information and Inquiry,sms, Whatsapp  or call Dr. Mawanda on

If you are reading this and you are going through a similar situation, I urge you to seek help. Do not give in to problems nor give up on you’re aspirations.There is always a chance for redemption, for a new beginning.Many others who have been assisted by Doctor Mawanda Shafiq say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.

Find a natural and holistic way to improve your family affairs, relationships,financial and health well-being with Dr. Mawanda , a qualified alternative medicine practitioner in Zambia,South Africa & Globally. Dr Mawanda Shafiq is an alternative medicine-man based in Zambia. Mawanda medicine is a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on preventing and treating diseases by using natural therapies, such as herbs, remedies, diet, and lifestyle changes. Just like naturopathy and homeopathy, Mawanda falls under alternative medicine and is still practiced throughout the globe today. Its aimed at using the body’s natural ability to heal itself.

To book an appointment or for more information and Inquiry,sms, Whatsapp  or call Dr. Mawanda on
Do not be limited by location. You can get the help you need wherever you are through distance healing. Dr Mawanda’s greatest attribute is distance healing.

Take note that Dr Mawanda Shafiq exercises Doctor-patient confidentiality; Neither patient’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared with a third party or made public unless otherwise Or patient’s own volition to give a testimony.

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Beware:”After I Lost My Job, All My Friends And Associates Abandoned Me!I Had No Body To Talk To.”Ex Public Servant



A lady identified as Irene,a resident of Kasama, Zambia shared her emotional story on the woes she went through just after she lost her job at the provincial government. She said that since then,she had been living her own life since the close friends she knew had abandoned her just after they heard of the news that she no longer had a job.Irene,aged 33 years old and a single mother of one, says surviving during that particular time was really some difficult task as she had no stable source of income.
“Friends whom i used to laugh with and shared happy moments together were no-where to be seen soon as I lost my job. I was also shocked to find out that relatives who had been so much in touch with me as I had my job had sidelined me at this particular time,” she said. She said she would really struggle to ensure her son never lacked something to eat. People she knew had changed contacts and now she felt she was just living her own life but that did not mean the end of everything and losing hope as she still had to struggle to make ends meet.

She said all these struggles were meant to show her who her loyal friends were. She had even made the mind of going back to live with his parents as life was extremely tough.However,while passing time on her phone,she came through a viral article of a testimonial of a helped client who had shared how she struggled after she got sacked and by seeking help of the reknowned miracle Sangoma,Dr Mawanda Shafiq who was famous for forging ways for people who seemed to have lost hope,that wasn’t the end of her story.

With the newfound hope,Irene visited Dr Mawanda Shafiq for his help.After narrating her predicament to Dr Mawanda Shafiq,she was offered successful jobs spells that would change her long time despair of life without a job. She was guaranteed that her testimonial would’nt reveal her real names and identity on news websites and feeds as she had feared had previously feared. After a week, the lady,by herself took her story to social media and shared how this man’s spell casting skills were a success to her life as she had got a nice job after struggling without a job for quite a long time.

Dr Mawanda Shafiq, for instance, say one of their greatest attribute is distance healing.He will work together with you, but detachment sis the key to success during this healing process. You must be in quiet place and detach yourself from everything around you. This is very important because your body must connect with the healing elements.

He heals pressure, diabetes ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness among other things. The doctor also solves life challenges such as love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, which is winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work and clears away devilish spirits and dreams.

To book an appointment or for more information and Inquiry,sms, Whatsapp  or call Dr. Mawanda on

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